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author note 2023 :just a little reminder halfway through:do not comment about your weightloss or gain, do not comment about your ways, how long you haven't eaten or any other triggering stuff

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author note 2023 :
just a little reminder halfway through:
do not comment about your weightloss or gain, do not comment about your ways, how long you haven't eaten or any other triggering stuff. not because I do not care but because I'm still in recovery and it will trigger. your comment will be deleted otherwise.


working out seemed to be a little easier than usual. minho didn't struggle to do 100 sit ups and didn't sweat too much when he did his 100 push ups. he must get used to it, he figured.

a proud smile slowly crept on his face as he finished finally and  laid down on the matt - he did everything the trainer told him to do, without feeling like he needed to die. pride rushed through his veins as he sat up again, a single sweat droplet rolled down his cheek and landed on his grey shirt.

"I'm done", he said to the trainer, who was just sitting on his phone, not paying any attention to the younger. minho allowed the little smile to stay on his face as he watched the trainer put his phone down to look at him. "done?", the trained repeated and minho nodded - a little hesitant.

the trainer eyed him, from head to toe and minho slowly lowered his eyes, somehow the pride he just felt vanished as he crumbled under the older mans gaze. he didn't look proud, or happy. if anything, he looked doubtful, as if he didn't think minho was able to be done.

"how many push ups did you do?", he asked and leaned forward, minho bit his lower lip. "one hundred", he answered truthfully and added a quick, "for all the other exercises too, by the way".

there was silence surrounding them and minho felt his heart beat a little faster than before. somehow his
achievement didn't feel so great anymore. the euphoria quickly went back to its usual place, somewhere deep inside of minho, somewhere hidden.

"you didn't even struggle?".
it was probably supposed to be a question, but the mans voice sounded far too monotone to actually make that happen. it was more of a statement. minho nodded half-heartedly.

"hmm", the man sat up and walked up to minho, who balled his fists and dug his nails into his skin to calm himself down. the trained never failed to make him uncomfortable.

you're fine, he tried to calm himself as the trainer slowly got closer. minho wasn't able to read his face. he wasn't doing fine.

"be honest with me now, lee minho". minho shuddered as he heard how the man spat his name, as if it was a burden to even say it. "have you been dieting?".

there it was. the question he hated so dearly. of course he was dieting. he was eating less than all the other members, ever since the weight in. he just had one little slip up. did that put him all the way back to the start?

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