Chapter 6: House Tour

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Savannah slung her purse over her shoulder before glancing at her phone, double-checking the time. She nodded to herself as she saw that it was 12:30. She still had half an hour to get to work.

Even though she had had a job a few days prior, that thought felt weird to think. She was going to her job. Her first day of work.

She smiled a little at how the most logical things were "weird" to her. She was the type of person to think everything was weird; it was weird how she was alive at that moment, it was weird that, out of all the names in the word, she got Savannah. Her life was a never-ending pool of weirdness.

That point was emphasized by her phone lighting up with a very cryptic text message from Rachel:

It consisted of a bunch of letters, randomly spaced out, and the word "dick" in all caps at the end.

She chuckled, walking outside and typing her response:

What the fuck

It was short and sweet, but need she say more? She felt that simple phrase encapsulated everything she felt at that moment.

Rachel came back with a response a few seconds later:

I stole Rach's phone this is Baz 😎

She was not the least bit surprised. She assumed that the random assortment of letters represented the struggle between the two men for the phone, and the "dick" was when Sebastian had won. She responded back:

And suddenly it all makes sense. How are ya baz?

He answered back quickly:

Good! Excited for you to come today

She reached her car then, sending a reply before getting in:

Same! I'm on my way now actually

She shut her door and got buckled up, starting her shitty Toyota afterward. As she did that, Sebastian answered her:

Sweet! I gtg tho Rachel's got his foot poised to kick me in the nuts if I don't give the phone back 😆

Savannah laughed at this, not bothering to respond. The phone was probably already handed off to Rachel anyway. She put in the address of the band again (leave it to her to remember every single game in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise but not the route to her employers' house), starting her journey afterward.

The ride passed by in a blur of rock music, just as it had a day prior. She couldn't help but love the decade she lived in; it had the best music. Mötley Crüe, Guns N' Roses, Def Leppard, Slaughter. . .hell, even Poison could scratch that brain itch she couldn't describe sometimes. Her era was full of talent, and she was working with one of the most talented bands of all.

A wave of pride suddenly washed over her. As said, Skid Row was a very talented band. Popular, too. Meaning that they could've had their pick over any fashion director with an appropriate resume, but still chose her. The only leg up she had was being Rachel's friend. Other than that, she was at a huge disadvantage. But, they still took her under their wings.

Just as Unskinny Bop by Poison was wrapping up, she pulled into the Skids' driveway. She took her keys out of the ignition and hopped out, shutting the door behind her. She felt a lot less nervous than yesterday as she walked up the driveway to the door. As long as she didn't have a major fuck-up and as long as she got her work done, she wouldn't have to worry about impromptu termination.

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