Chapter 13: Drunken Goodnights

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   It didn't take long for Sebastian to be stumbling along, alcohol making his mind buzz. The coke he had snorted wasn't doing him any favors, either.

   He approached the living room couch, flopping on it with a loud groan. Sure, being drunk and high felt spectacular, but damn, did it also make him feel like shit.

   He laid there for a while, feeling sorry for himself. Great, he thought drunkenly. Not only did Savannah choose Tommy, out of fucking anyone, but now I'm plastered and am gonna be puking my fucking guts out soon.

   His pity party was cut off by a tap on his shoulder.

   He looked up, his hair in his face and his eyes clouded with the state of not being completely there.

   Vince was looking down at him. "Hey, man. Having fun?" he teased.

   "Loads of it," Sebastian mumbled sarcastically, sitting up and rubbing his face. "What's up?"

"Have you seen Savannah and Tommy?" Vince asked, looking a little buzzed himself. "I haven't seen them in a while, and I can't find them."

Sebastian's heart plummeted to his stomach. Where were they? What were they doing? "No, I haven't." He stood up, wobbling a little. He needed to put an end to whatever was happening, and, even in his drunken state, was still jealous of the possibilities.

"Do you think that they could be in a guest room? I didn't wanna barge in there, just in case. . .you know," Vince laughed.

   Sebastian did know. And the very possibility made his stomach churn. "Yeah, maybe."

   That's when an odd sense of resolve hit him. He was determined to come between Savannah and Tommy in whatever way he could, even if that meant barging in on them doing what rockstars and fans do.

   He looked at Vince, eyes cold. "I'm going in there."

   Vince looked at Sebastian in return, blinking. "Why?"

   "I love Tommy, I do, but I don't want him anywhere near Sav when they're alone. She's a fan, and I don't want him taking advantage of that."

   Vince felt confused. He had seen Sebastian ushering Savannah over to the Crüe, unbeknownst to either of them. Meaning that he was encouraging her to meet him and his band. Shouldn't he have known that one of the members getting her alone was a possibility? Sebastian was a rockstar too; it's not like this was new territory. Besides, she was an adult that could make her own decisions. She didn't need a protective, drunken asshole barging in on her having a good time.

   He decided to say the second point aloud, only nicer. "She's how old, Baz? In her twenties, maybe?" He smiled slightly, trying to ease whatever tension the next statement would bring. "She's capable of giving consent and of making her own decisions. Neither Tommy nor her were plastered the last time I saw them, so they're both clear-headed. I can't say the same for you, though. So, just. . .leave it, man. You'll regret it later."

   Vince knew that Sebastian had, at the very least, an attraction to Savannah. Why else would he have narrowed his eyes at the Crüe when they were interacting with her before? Why else would he care about Tommy being with her? So, that advice was for Sebastian's own good as well as Savannah's. He didn't want Sebastian to be a buzzkill, thereby limit her interest in him.

   Sebastian, though, wasn't looking at things that wisely. He wasn't the type to see the wise side of things sober, let alone as wasted as he was. So, he scoffed, feeling offended Vince wasn't understanding. "Fuck you, Vince. If I wanna get my fucking colleague, I'll fucking get her."

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