Chapter 20: Come Over

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Once Savannah and Sebastian kissed for the first time, it's like a switch was flipped within the both of them. Now, that's all they wanted to do. They weren't rough kisses, they weren't kisses that are usually the lead-up to something more. They were gentle, and they involved lots of gripping each other as if they would float away if they weren't being held. Sebastian had obviously been quick to make things sexual with lots of women, but the fact that he was taking his time with Savannah made her feel good. Maybe she was different.

But, the positive mood that came with kissing Sebastian was dampened every time either of their phones would ring, signaling to them that Rachel was calling. He was being persistent about it, not taking the hint that neither Sebastian nor Savannah wanted to talk. Well, perhaps he had taken the hint, but just didn't care. That sounded like a very Rachel thing to do, she supposed.

When her phone rang for the umpteenth time, Sebastian pulled apart and groaned. She had been laying on top of him, and he gently patted her back as a signal to get off.

She did, so he sat up and grabbed her phone off the table. Savannah didn't even care that Sebastian was checking her phone, since she knew him well enough that he didn't have bad intentions, and wouldn't freak out on her if he saw something he didn't like. Besides, she felt so connected to him in that moment that everything that was hers felt like his, too.

His nose wrinkled in distaste at seeing Rachel's contact name written across the screen. He flipped the phone around so that the screen faced Savannah, and she sighed heavily. Clearly, these calls weren't going to stop until she answered him. Plus, they did have a lot to talk about, anyway. She was still pissed at Rachel, of course, but being silent wouldn't solve anything, as much as she wanted it to. As much as she wanted to keep kissing the gorgeous man who sat with her.

"I say I just answer it," she said, holding her hand out in a silent request for her phone.

"I say block him," replied Sebastian bitterly; handing the phone back to her nonetheless.

"Baz." Her tone was almost motherly, and the way she was looking at him made his stony expression soften slightly.

"I don't feel ready to even acknowledge him yet," he said back, crossing his arms. "You remember what he said about you, yeah?"

"Yeah. But, in the end, it's my choice to answer or not. And I may not want to, but I know I should. And so I will."

He sighed, leaning in and pecking her lips. His face was kept close to hers afterward teasingly, and he grinned at the way her face flushed. "Wouldn't you rather more of that than dealing with him?"

"Yes, but again, I need to sort this out at some point. And so do you. You're in a band with the guy."

He sighed again, pulling away. "You're right. I'm just—I'm angry. I don't wanna deal with this when I'm angry. I wanna cool off more."

"I know. But, you don't have to deal with it yet. I'll deal with my end first."

Sebastian nodded, but he seemed unsatisfied. So, she added, "I'll put him on speaker so you can help me respond to whatever he says." Savannah knew he wasn't upset with the fact she was abandoning her pettiness and actually talking to Rachel, but that he was afraid what Rachel would say, and that maybe she would let him off easy. He had been an asshole, and, because of her docile nature, he didn't want her to overthink and to excuse that. Besides, who knew if Rachel was calling to have a friendly chat? Sebastian would want to help her defend herself if things got ugly. And she knew that, and she admired that.

   That's when the phone stopped ringing due to her and Sebastian's lengthy conversation. Sebastian looked at her and grinned, lightly touching her cheek. "Maybe he's given up."

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