Chapter 15: Complaints

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   It had been about two weeks since Savannah had went out for breakfast with Sebastian, and she had been frequenting the Skids' house fairly often; they had a lot of photoshoots to prepare for with their formal announcement of a new album. And the fact that they had said that this new album would be much heavier, much more "killer" than the first just kept the photographers coming.

   But, today, Savannah had a day off. Nobody had contacted her due to work-related matters, so she was lounging on her couch, eating some chips as she watched TV. She was convinced that she couldn't have asked for a better job; frequent off days, and the days she did show up, the amount of work she would actually have to do was small.

   But, her phone rang then, snapping her out of her TV-induced daze.

   She paused her show and reached for her buzzing phone. She saw that Rachel was calling.

   Wondering what he wanted, she answered it and raised it to her ear. "Hello?"

   "Sav, can you meet me at Percy?"

   Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion at both his impromptu proposal, as well as the stress in his voice. "Whoa. Why, Rach? What's up?"

   Percy Park was the name of the park that her and Rachel frequented. It was a really sweet, beautiful location to hang out; there was a huge play-set that kids were always climbing on, laughing gleefully, and there was a big field by it that the rockers liked to walk around in. In addition, there were a few picnic tables there that they sat at and occasionally ate lunch.

   They went there to have fun, and to unwind. This was why his stressed voice combined with his invitation threw Savannah off so much.

   "A lot," Rachel sighed out, his voice raspy with exasperation. "Just, can you meet me there? Please? I just need to get some air and rant to someone."

   "Yeah, yeah, of course. Nothing's, like, wrong, though, right? You're just wound up?"

   "Yeah. But, like, super wound up."

   "Enough said. I'll be there in ten."

   "Okay. See you there."

   "See you."

   Savannah hung up the phone and stood up, looking at her chips as well as her paused show longingly. While she loved Rachel and would do anything for him, he really had to rant at the wrong time.

   She got her keys and left the house, hopping in her car and driving to what she thought would be a normal bitch-fest, but what would end up being so much more.

   She arrived at Percy a few minutes later, turning off her radio after she parked. She could see from her parking spot that Rachel was sat at one of the picnic tables, head in his hands. He looked strange compared to the upbeat surroundings of the park; despite the lack of leaves on the trees, they looked vibrant and alive somehow. The sky was cloudless and blue, and the sun smiled its beams down on everyone. Kids were having fun, as usual, and the grass looked especially green that day.

   And, there Rachel was, a downer amongst the beauty.

   Savannah hopped out of her car, shutting the door behind her. She walked over to Rachel, who didn't seem to notice her approaching at all. The picnic tables weren't far from the parking spots at all, so that just proved how in his own head he was; he should have heard a car door shut.

   That made Savannah slightly worried. What trials was the poor man having to face for him to be so absorbed by them?

   She had gotten all the way over to him by this point, and he still didn't look up. She noticed that his black nail polish was chipping, revealing the natural nails underneath, so she commented, "You need to touch up on your nails."

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