34 | party

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I really should have made it a harder goal lol you guys ilysm


And literally it was the best thing to wake up to this morning...

...Along with all your lovely comments of course. Quick shout out to _yourdrunk_ for commenting basically half of them.

Anyway, I'm sure you didn't come here to read my author's note so enjoy my lovies xxxx

I don't even consider opening the gift. I take the box and shove it into the far corner of my closet with that stupid set of lingerie.

With hands still shaking, I get dressed quickly. I dry my hair as best I can with my towel before running my brush through it.

I pull on random shoes and hope they match my dress before grabbing my purse and nearly running out the door.

I slow my pace to a less frantic one as I reach the steps, not wanting to fall down and break my neck. Although it may be less painful than whatever he has planned for me.

I just can't get those few words out of my head. I'll come for you tonight.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and try to keep my voice calm, "I'm leaving, s-see you later."

I'll come for you tonight.

"Bye, kid. Have fun." My dad replies from somewhere in the house before I close the front door.

I'll come for you tonight.

"I can't do this." I whisper to myself before walking across the grass straight to Harry's house.

I'll come for you tonight.

I knock frantically, looking around and the empty street as if the trees will suddenly turn into men with dark hooded faces. As if the ground itself may open up and swallow me right down to hell.

I'll come for you tonight.

The door opens and I immediately wrap my arms around his neck, burying my head in his chest.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Harry asks, sliding his hand up and down my back.

Without a word I pull away to hand him the small card, the picture still taped inside.

It takes him only a few seconds to read the short message and glance at the picture to understand my reaction.

Harry quickly pulls me inside, locking the door behind us. "When did you get this?"

"About ten minutes ago." I say. My hands are still shaking so I cross them over my chest. "It just appeared in my room while I was taking a shower."

"And you're sure it's from him? Not some stupid prank from your sister?"

"No, shes just as terrified of this killer as I am." I say. "And my bedroom door was locked."

"So they got through your window?"

"They must have. I don't know." I shrug.

"Unless they were already in your room when you got there." He says, but mostly to himself.

I'll come for you tonight. I shake my head and bite my lip to keep myself from crying. "We need yo tell someone, maybe the police--"

"No, this guy is smarter than that." Harry shakes his head. "He's never left even a fingerprint behind, they won't be able to find anything. And if they do, it will be something planted on purpose."

Obsession || h.s [completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ