4 | tell me the truth

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The next night I dream of Harry.

My subconcuious remembering I forgot to lock the window, the Harry in my dream somewhow climbs through it.

My head is foggy, as if I'm only half way to conciousness, and not yet fully dreaming.

In the dim light, I can see his chest rise and fall with heavy breaths as he stands by my open window. For a moment he just stands there.

Unable to see his eyes in the dark, I'm not sure where he is looking exactly, but I have a feeling he is looking at me.

He takes slow steps toward the edge of my bed before leaning down and brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

I lie still, unsure of why he's here in my dreams.

He leans closer, our faces inches apart. In this close proximity I can make out that his eyes are closed as he concentrates on something.

Our lips barely brushed for a moment, before he kisses me softly.

"I just had to do that once." He whisperes, mostly to himself before standing back up.

In his long legged strides he is over to the window in a second, disapearing into the night in another.

The last thing I recall is hearing the window shut before everything fades, and I'm lost in a different dream.


I roll over, the light coming in my windows annoying and blinding. Carol is right about one thing, we needed drapes.

As I slowly open my eyes, my dream of Harry replays in my mind.

My fingers, with a mind of their own, trace over the shape of my lips. It's almost as if I can still feel his on mine.

What a weird dream.

I only met him a few days ago, and the two times I had seen him he ran off without warning.

I roll my eyes and the stupidity of my subconscious. Why does it come up with such weird things?

Getting up, I realize the temperature in my room and walk over to my window which has a small crack at the bottom.

Maybe I didn't close it the whole way yesterday.

It's not a far-fetched idea. I push it the rest of the way down and lock it into place before heading downstairs to see what's for breakfast.

"Morning, Sunshine!" My dad says all too cheerfully. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah," I yawn. "We really need to get curtains. The light woke me up and it's too early to be awake."

"It's after two already, Mason." He laughs.

"Exactly." I reply with a small laugh myself.

"Well, Carol wanted to go out to get drapes tomorrow anyway, why don't you go with her?"

I don't really like the idea of shopping with Carol, but maybe having drapes will help ease my mind.

"I guess." I agree.

"Ok, Carol and Layla would love your company." He kisses my temple.

"Wait, Layla is coming too?"

"Yes, she needs curtains, too." Carol says as she walks into the kitchen.

I groan inwardly. I know it won't be pleasant with them -because shopping with Layla never is- but I try not to show it on my face.

"Ok." I force out in a tone I hoped would pass as cheerful, already dreading it. But, there is no way I would trust them to pick out something for me, and no way to go alone without being rude.

Obsession || h.s [completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ