13 | killer

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Maybe it was the excessive curiosity that made me follow Harry wordlessly out my window and down the tree beside my house. Maybe it was the ever alluring expression of pure honesty--that I'd never quite gotten a glimpse of before--ever present in his flawless features. Or, maybe it was because I trust him, despite the often feeling that he's hiding something from me.

But as Harry grips my hips to help me down from the lowest branch, I realize the reason is a combination of the three. Never had I seen him so open, never had I been so confused and sure of myself at the same time before, and never had I been so compelled to learn anything I possibly could about a person.

My hands burn slightly from the rough bark as Harry sets me on my feet in the damp grass. He notices me flexing my stiff fingers and inspecting the small scrapes on my palms.

Silently, with the cool wind rustling the trees in a whirl of motion around us, he lifts my left hand before softly kissing the palm. He does the same with my right, eyes never leaving mine.

The gesture is so simple, so small, yet I feel like it is the most intimate moment we have ever shared.

"I need you to keep an open mind." He murmurs. "I've never really shown this to anyone."

I nod, knowing no matter what it is he wants to tell me--or show me--it could never possibly be enough to make me turn away from him now. He is already too deeply rooted in me. We are too tangled up together to be untethered now.

I try not to think of the words that pop into my mind, as they scare me more than anything else. But, still they ring through my brain like a shout in a large, empty room.

I think I'm falling for him.

"You can tell me anything." I promise. "I won't judge you. I'm not going anywhere."

He seems both relieved and wary of my statement as he opens his mouth to say something, but quickly decides against it and closes it again.

Wherever we're going, it's too far to walk. We take Harry's car, which is classically beatiful and must be from sometime around the 1950s. If I didn't already have a million questions flying through my mind, I may have been able to compute a complete sentence to ask.

The ride is quiet and relatively short. It takes no more than twenty minutes or so to reach our destination. It's dark, and it seems like a normal park. I wonder for the two-hundred-and-twenty-seventh time, what it could possibly be that he wants to show me.

"What is this place?" I manage to ask.

"This is where I used to spend most of my time as a kid." Is Harry's surprising response.

"I know you feel like you don't know very much about me," He walks around the car as he speaks before stopping in front of me. "And there are some things I really can't tell you. But I'd like to share with you as much as I can, because you're different Mason Kane, and something about you makes me want to be a better person. A better person for you. So, I guess part of that is showing you who I am."

I'm awestruck and grinning from ear to ear. I nod, unable to form words right away, and when I do they come out rushed and over excited. "Y-yes I want to know w-who you are."

He smiles and takes my hand before leading me toward the trees. I think for a moment that I see a figure among them, but it's too dark to tell.

Harry tugs me gently along a short dirt path until we reach a rusty playground that looks heavily used, but not for quite a while. Plants and ivy climb and spread over parts of the slide and up across the monkey bars. I can tell that this has been here for years and years.

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