15 | expect the unexpected

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Hannah had insisted on me joining her for a "girl's day" after we both finished our early shifts at the cafe. She was in the middle of telling me an outrageously funny  story when my phone rang.

"So then what did you do?" I asked as I pulled out my phone to check who was calling.

She laughs. "Well I couldn't just--What? What is it?"

I stare at my phone, almost not believing the name flashing on the screen.


"H-hi Zayn, what's up?"

"Hey, Massie, nothing much really. How are ya?" I can't help but smile slightly as he uses my old nickname, but the feeling is bittersweet and reminds me of our past relationship.

"I'm good." I pause. "So why are you calling?"

"So ya said you moved to Dover, right?"

"Yeah, I did..." I'm entirely confused and my voice expresses my suspicion.

"Well, me and a few mates are headin' through there on a little road trip, and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind we stop in." I probably stop breathing around this point. "Wadda' say?"

Hannah stares at me, most likely trying to figure out who I'm talking to and why I'm either pale as a ghost or maybe even beat red from lack of oxygen.

"Mason, ya there?" Zayn says.

"Umm.. yeah I'm here I just wasn't expecting to ever really see you again." And that thought stops me up short again. See Zayn again? My next sentence pours out of my mouth before my brain could catch up. "I'd love to have you stop by."

"Great, I'll see ya next week."

"Who was that?" Hannah asks after I hang up.

"My ex." I sigh, closing my eyes. "What in the world have I done."

"Sounded like you invited him to come visit."

"More like he invited himself..." I open my eyes again and realize that I'm going to have to tell Harry about this.

"Well maybe it will be a good thing. If he's coming that far to see you then maybe he misses you."

I amost tell her right then about Harry, but I remember his words and keep my mouth shut. I promise myself to tell her eventually, but not yet. "C'mon it's getting dark and my dad will want me home for dinner."


I sit at my desk in my room on my laptop when a knock comes from my door and my step mother peeks her head in. "Your father and I are going out tonight and I need you to watch Layla."

"I have plans." I protest.

But, she didn't care or didn't hear my response as she turned and walked back down the hall. The sound of her heels clicking on the hardwood could be heard through my doorway which she had so nicely left open.

I groan and glance out my window toward Harry's house in longing but for no particular reason. I can see that the light is on in his room but the certains are drawn tightly against the deepening night like storm shutters to a hurricane. I can tell we won't be writing notes back and forth tonight, as I'd hoped to do.


"Coming." I sigh before trudging out of my room and trying not to stomp down the stairs like a child.

"Do you mind watching Layla tonight?" My dad asks when I reach the living room.

"I guess not." I say a bit sharper than I intended.

"I don't need a babysitter." Layla insists as she walks in from the kitchen, ice cream bowl in hand and Carol trailing behind her.


"No. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself while you go out with David. This isn't fair." Layla crosses her arms as she pouts.

I really didn't understand why they had to make a big deal out of this. They were just going to dinner, and even if I went anywhere, it wouldn't be further than next door. But, I suppose they didn't know that.

I tune out their voices and let my mind wander as their debate goes on for what feels like an eternity.

When they finally come to a conclusion, Layla storms up to her room for the night and my dad and Carol leave.

After confirming there is absolutely nothing else to eat, I make pasta and heat up some sauce from thae pantry. Once I've finished eating and Layla has yet to come back downstairs, I put saran wrap over her plate and stick a post-it on the fridge letting her know it's inside.

I busy myself with the dishes in the sink and eventually resort to doing my laundry out of utter boredom. Around eight o'clock, I'm in my room when my phone rings.

I pull it out of my back pocket and answer without checking the number. "Hello?"


"Hello?" I say again.

There's a rustling sound on the other end and I listen closer.

"Who is this?" I'm just about to check the caller ID when they speak up.

"Mason?" It's Harry.

"Oh, hi... you called me." I say dumbly.

"I did? Woops." I can hear the smile in his voice. "So what are you up to?"

"Bored out of my mind." I laugh.

"I could entertain you." Harry says, his voice husky and low, sending a pleasureable shiver up my spine.

"I'm kind of babysitting my step sister." I say.

"Is she with you now?"

"No, she's in her room." I answer, slightly confused. "Why?"

"Unlock your window." He simply states before hanging up.

I smile, putting my phone back in my pocket before walking over to my window and sliding it open to the chilled night air. I lean against the window frame as I wait for him.

Moments later I see him easily climbing up the branches.

"You know you could've used the front door, right?" I question with a single raised eyebrow.

"What's the fun in that?" Harry smirks.

"Well, you have a point." I smile. "I didn't expect to spend my evening like this, but you don't hear me complaining."

He brings his lips close to mine, but doesn't quite let me kiss him. "That's the thing with me, Mason. Expect the unexpected."

And then he kisses me.


Please vote and comment! I love reading comments even when it's just an "lol" to what one of my characters said.

Because I think I'm funny, actually I think I'm hilarious,  but its good to know that my humor is getting across at least every once in a while. Until next time...

-Lena xx

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