39 | again

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I'm not dead! And I'm so sorry I haven't updated omg summer is basically over where did it even go?!? But I'm trying reaaaaaally hard to finish this story for you babes and I'm so sorry I lost the motivation to finish it before but now I'm back!!!

Hope you lovies enjoy this chappie. My beautiful friend Dimplesgreencurly helped me a bit with the *cough* spoiler *cough* smut *cough*

so yeah go read her stuff because she's fabulous and under appreciated.

All the love xx

It's been a weird week.

After Harry and I talked to the police, I finally felt like I could breathe again. I tried to tell them as much as possible. Everything about the gifts and their notes, to small things I could remember like feeling as if I'm being watched or strange noises in the woods.

"So you're saying that you need protection?"

"Yes. He has sent me pictures of me sleeping." I explain to the only officer who would take me seriously when we walked into the station. Officer Truing.

"Of what nature were these pictures?" He asks, writing everything down on a notepad.

"Does it matter?" Harry snaps. "He broke into her house and took pictures of her sleeping. Who knows what else he could have done!"

Officer Truing just nods. "I understand, son, but I need as much information as possible."

"It's okay." I say softly to Harry, taking his hand in mine before pulling the picture out of my pocket and handing it to the officer with my other hand. "It has a time stamp. Which I'm assuming was intentional."

"This is from several months ago." He states.

"Yes, just shortly after I moved here to Dover. Three weeks after, to be exact." I say.

"And you're sure you don't know who the sender is? Any return address on the gifts you received? Any hints as to who it could be?" He asks.

"No. I have no clue." I lick my lips. "But I do know who he might be friends with."

"Mason..." Harry says.

I ignore him. "Niall Horan. He is currently incarcerated at the Green Bay Correctional Institution about two hours from here."

"A young man recently escaped Green Bay." Officer Truing says. "When did these gifts start appearing?"

"The first was probably around two or three weeks ago, why?"

He simply shrugs. "Do you know if they knew each other? Niall Horan and the man who escaped?"

"Yeah, they're the two guys that abducted my stepsister." I tell him. "But he only just escaped a few days ago. Can someone send gifts from prison?"

"No, not Green Bay. Their security level is the highest of it's kind. I'm sure they don't allow mail in or out without screening, if any at all."

"If their security is so great, then how did he get out?" Harry snaps.

Officer Truing opens his mouth to respond but closes it again. It seems he doesn't know either.

"Beside the point," I say, "we know it can't be him if he can't send mail. But that doesn't mean it's not one of his other friends, possibly someone they both know."

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