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Tw Sexual Assault

Peyton's Pov
"Hey!" I heard as I looked to see one of Anna's friends.

"Dev..?" I said hoping I got the name right.

"Yep!" She said and I smiled.

"It's lunch. Why don't you sit with us?" I heard behind me as Anna wrapped her arms wound my waist.

"I think I might sit in the library." I said and Anna whined.

"Pleaseeeeeee." She whined as I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. Just this once though." I said and she happily danced.

"Cmon Bubs." She said putting her hand out. I smiled at the nickname as she waited for me.

I took it and she pulled me all the way to the lunchroom. We got to her table where she sat everyday. Dev sat across from me and smiled.

Soon Eva and Emma sat down. Eva sat down across from Anna and Emma sat next to me. We left off from the conversation we had at the party.

I think Sab sat across from Emma and I engaged a conversation with her friends. I felt Anna's hand trail down my thigh before getting a grip and squeezing it every once and a while.

"Yo! Peyton!!" I heard looking over at the table I used to sit at.

They invited but I gracefully declined. Soon they started walking over here and I started to panic.

"You wanna hit? It's not that bad." Dane said wobbling on his feet while holding weed pen.

I could tell he was high by his red eyes. He doesn't even try to hide it. I declined it as nice as possible but he started to wave the pen around my face.

"Dude fuck off." Anna said as she started to get up. I pulled her back done not wanting to get in trouble.

"What are you gonna do. Fucking Dyke." Dane said has I knew he was homophobic.

"Dane go away please." I said and he looked at me.

"Are you really gonna sit here with a bunch of dykes?" And that's when Anna bursted.

She punched him has he fell backwards. She started to punch him repeatedly. I shouted her name telling her to stop before she gets into any more bigger trouble.

Before I knew it I saw Jackson coming over. He pulled my hand taking me away from Anna. She was too busy fighting with the boys has I tried stopping Jackson.

"ANNA! PEYTON!" I heard but it was too late for Anna to grab me.

She was trampled with a bunch of guys has I tried to get out of his grip to check if she was okay.

"Where the fuck are you taking me?!" I yelled as I felt him take me into a Janitor's closet.

He pinned me to the wall as I tried to get out. I could smell his breath and it smelled like alcohol... his eyes were red so he was high too...

"Your curvy body makes me wanna crave you more." He said licking his lips.

I kneed him but that didn't do much. He made it where I had typical restraints using his body as his advantage.

"PEYTON!!" I heard outside. Jackson had put his hand over my mouth.

"Say a fucking word. I'll make sure you regret ever being alive." He said and I could only whimper at the amount of force he is on wrist.

I heard receding footsteps as I literally prayed for someone to find us. I tried struggling to get out but he only put more force. He took his hand off my mouth to hold my waist. His hands trailed under my sweatshirt.

I didn't want this. I wanted someone to find us so I can run back to Anna has soon as possible. I wanted to know if she was okay and I wanted her comfort. So I screamed... at the top of my lungs I screamed as loud as I could. I had to defend myself over my freakishly large ex.

That's when I felt a overload power come straight towards my abdomen. I couldn't breathe. Everything was getting dark. I could only see Jackson's huge smirk on his face as I wanted to slap it off of him.

I felt a repeated punch making me trying to breath. I was trying to catch my breath. Everything was too much and I tried kicking him but he made it where my legs couldn't move.

"Fuck you! Fuck you!" He yelled as I felt a sob come over when he repeated a punch.

"All I ever did was love you. Why can't you see that?!" He yelled in my face.

"Your a liar! You tormented me! You had complete control over me. You taught me that I wasn't good enough for anyone else and that." I said sobbing.

That's when everything blacked out. He had his hand around my neck as he moved it on a certain pressure point causing me to black out instantly.

Anna's POV
"PEYTON!! PEYTON WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled running down the halls.

I checked everyone empty classroom there was and couldn't find anything. I couldn't breathe and I wanted to know if Peyton was okay.

"Anna! Just calm down okay?" Eva said holding my arm.

"HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO CALM DOWN?!" I yelled at her and she looked at me.

"Split up. We have to find her. Jackson couldn't have taken her far." Sab said and we nodded.

Dev and Emma took the top floor. Me, Sab and Eva had wanted to clear the rest of the floor.

It's been a few minutes and I haven't calmed down. I've been running through the halls and didn't car wig teachers got onto me. All the sudden I heard a scream.

"PEYTON!" I yelled s I followed the echoing of the sound.

I met up with Eva had we checked the Janitors closet but it was empty.

"FUCK!!" I yelled as I grabbed the nearest thing throwing it at the wall.

"Anna. Stop calm down." Eva said at the attempt to calm me down.

"They found her!!" We heard seeing Emma out of breath.

Soon teachers and staff started to surround me. They started to ask questions. I just shoved through them seeing the principal. I stopped her has she moved around me.

"Someone is in trouble Miss Shumate. Will you stop it!" She said as she fast walked.

"COACH DAVISON!!" She yelled has the coach ran down.

I followed the principal to see if she could lead me to where Peyton was. We stopped at the boys bathroom to see a couple teachers sitting with Peyton who was passed out. She was leaning against the wall while sitting.

"We found her in the bathroom. A student reported it." A teacher said as I shoved them out of the away.

"Hey Peyton... please wake up." I said cupping her cheeks. Her eyes started to slightly open but she was finding it hard to keep them open.

"Your gonna be okay..." I whispered kissing her forehead.

"Anna... do you know who did this?" The principal said getting to my level.

"Jackson Cohen." I said and that's all the evidence she needed.

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