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Anna's POV
I waited in the lockers. I was talking with Eva about what happened out on the field. Disappointed that the fact I was bleeding from my lip.

I tried following what Peyton did to stop the bleeding quickly but I gave up. The game ended and of course we had lost because me and Kacy weren't apart of the game for half the time.

I started to walk to my car when I heard a slam of door. I looked up to see Kacy walking away. Practically stomping like a 5 year old.

Looking through the tinted window. I could see Peyton laying on the steering wheel. I got in my car and waited for Kacy to go in.

After she went away I drove by Peyton's car to see her in her worse times. I knocked on her window and she rolled it down. I hear her sniffles and her puffy eyes.

"Sorry I didn't mean to just take off." She mumbled.

"It's okay." I said and she just laid back trying to calm down.

"I don't know what's gotten into me... I mean I try to take my sleeping schedule normal but I'm just can't fucking do that." She said putting her head on the wheel.

"Peyton don't you thinks it's time to tell Kacy you need space?" I asked and she scoffed.

"I just tried and she goes around acting like a fucking 5 year old who didn't their goddamn ice cream." She said and I was taken a back a little.

She's never been this way. Not even to Jackson.

"Jesus I just want this to stop." She said.

"Are you going home alone?" I asked her.

"Paxton was suppose to take me out to eat. But considering this has all happened I doubt that's happening." She said taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I know your like really cold." She said and I shook my head.

"Do you want to come home with me?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Wouldn't that bother you?" She asked and I shrugged.

"If you don't want to that's okay." I said and she sighed.

"I don't know. I'm kinda hungry." She said and I laughed a little.

"You wanna go get homophobic chicken?" I asked and she laughed at the nickname I gave chick fil lay.

"Sure." She said.

"Hey! Bitch you really think you would make us walk home?" Paxton yelled running to the car.

"Jesus. Oh hi Anna." She said and I smiled.

Lucas came up behind her and than eyed the both us.

"Hey you know what's a good idea? You should go with Anna! And me and Lucas can go home and have some fun." Paxton said and Peyton just gagged at what she said.

"for the love of god don't do it on the couch. That's where I sit in the morning." She said and I laughed a little.

"Oh shush you'll be fine. Plus you don't wake up in the morning." She said.

Peyton looked at me before she was moved right next to me.

"Alright y'all have fun!" Paxton yelled getting in the car and driving away.

"Well... I was just abandoned by my own sister..." she mumbled.

"Why don't we go get some food and you can stay at my house. I can drop you off." I said and she looked at me before deciding an option.

"I'm fine with that." She said and I nodded.

We got in my car and started to drive it was silent and I watched the streets with the cars. We pulled up to the restaurant and took the food.

Remembering her order which was a box of chicken and a coke. When we arrived my house it was only us because Brandon was at his friends house and Dad was somewhere else doing his work.

"So... uh what happened?" I asked her as she was sitting on my bed.

"We just had a fight." She muttered rating her food.

"Just a normal- hold on a second..." she said getting a call.

Peyton's Pov
"Where are you?" Kacy asked me.

"I uh I went home. Im sorry I didn't know if you needed a ride." I said and I could hear her huff.

"I'll just get a ride with my mom." She said and I frowned that I left her.

"Can I sleep at your house?" She said and I froze.

"Im not home." I muttered and she scoffed.

"Why the fuck are you not home?" She said intently to me.

I looked over at Anna who was focusing on her phone.

"Because. Travis offered to let me sleep at his house." I said and she was silent.

"I don't want you hanging out with Travis. He's sketchy." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Travis is a nice guy. Plus I don't get to see him very often." She just scoffed on the end of phone and I frowned that maybe I've made her mad enough.

"I don't care. I want you home." She said and I felt my fist tighten.

"I will check ur goddamn snap location." She said and I knew I had turn my snap location off a long time ago.

"No. I wanna stay here. Plus didn't we just get in a fight? Your gonna ask for sex and I don't feel comfortable having sex 24/7 just because we can't find in other fucking way to solve our problems." I said getting annoyed.

"Jesus. Fine. But can we talk later?" She asked this time her tone was kinder.

"Yeah we can. I'll be home tomorrow." I said and I looked over at Anna who smiled at me.

I hung up the phone and we kinda just sat in silence.

"Can we watch-" I was cut off when Anna spoke.

"Despicable me 2?" She asked and I laughed nodding.

"Exactly what I was just gonna say." I said and she laughed.

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