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Anna's POV

"Jackson forced me too. I wasn't that drunk." Kelly said as I looked at her.

"What force to have sex? I bet you'd like that so much." I mumbled and she frowned.

"No he threaten to hurt my little brother... Anna he's only 10..." she said and I remembered the strong connection she had to her little brother.

"You should have told me. I could have stopped this from happening." I said and she sighed.

"He just wants Peyton back. Peyton was his whole world." She said.

"Yeah well he physically abuse his "whole world" I said exaggerating.

"He what? He never did that to me. He basically treated me like I was his everything." She said and I shook my head no.

"No he sent her to a hospital before. She's afraid of him now. Hell she's afraid of me too." I said and she frowned.

"Cmon." She said I questioned her.

"Tomorrow we are gonna get our revenge." She said taking my hand.

She brought me to her house and sat me down. She got out a white board she always had in her room.

"You ever pour soda in someone's gas tank?" She asked me and I was confused.

"It's automatically clogs their filter. Which means their car won't run." She said before she got a big pack of soda.

"No... spray paint the car." She said revealing a pack of spray paints.

Kelly would always tag the schools and places it was illegal to tag.

"Now... the biggest yet of all. Viagra in a pre-workout." She said has she pulled out viagra pills.

"Crush these and put it in his drink he'll get a boner during workout." She said and I was completely dazed by the fact she knew all these things.

"I'm so glad I'm not on your bad side." I mumbled as she laughed.

"I'm really sorry I crushed your relationship Anna I didn't mean to but he's only 10." She said looking down.

"It's okay... Peyton is happy I guess right now. That's all that matters to me right now. And I'm glad your brother is okay." I said hugging her.

She gave me a tight squeeze before offering to make me stay. Her and my house were pretty far.


We were actually gonna follow through the plan. I found Jackson's car and she started to spray paint while I put the load of soda in his car.

"Cmon now. When is soccer practice?" She asked as we ran from his car.

"In 10 minutes." I said and she nodded.

"You good these." She said as she grabbed the pack of his rope work out powder.

She opened it carefully before funneling the viagra down his packet.

"Now go get me the iron in my car we can close the packet of doing that." She said and I ran.

On my way back I saw someone. Peyton we sitting on the bleachers. I shook my head out of the gutters and the back as she quickly plugged it in at a socket that was outside of the school.

Once we were done she told me she'd give it to him. Before I could moved she pulled me back. I felt her hand in the back of my neck bring me down and her lips on mine.


I watched as Jackson worked out on the field. It took a hella long while for it to kick in but when it did he started to hide it.

I looked over at Kacy who was walking towards me already.

"What did you do to him? He looks weird." She said and I laughed a little.

"I put viagra in his pre-workout." I said and she laughed.

"Anna I have a question..." she asked and I looked at her.

"Is it okay... if I ask Peyton out? We've known each other for a couple of months and I wanted to run it by you." She said and that completely broke me.

"Y-Yeah... go ahead she's yours." I said and she nodded.

"Thanks." She said and I could feel my whole world going dark again.

When practice was over Jackson went to his car as he tried hiding that boner with his sweatshirt. When he found his car full of spray painted dicks. He yelled.

"Wow... you got your revenge harsh." I heard seeing Kacy again.

Right next to her was Peyton. She was reading a book but when she looked up she pushed me out of the way.

Jackson had thrown a soccer ball or attempted to throw a soccer ball at me.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" He yelled running towards me except he ran passed me.

I watched him shove Peyton to the ground. He didn't know it was me... I got in front of him pushing him away. He looked at me with the anger and disgust.

"Okay Jackson stop." I said as he was trying to control.

I watched as he shoved me out of the way but luckily Kacy pushed him away from Kacy slapping him.

"Don't fucking touch her." She said before Jackson smirked.

"I touch whatever I fucking want to touch." He said before I watched as he punched her making her head move to the side.

"Ow..." she mumbled but before she could react he got to Peyton.

"You wanna fucking touch my car?!" He yelled as I could see the fear in Peyton's eyes.

"JACKSON!" We heard seeing my coach.

"THEY FUCKING TOUCHED MY CAR!" He yelled not letting go.

"Jackson let her go. She didn't do it." I said and he looked at me.

"You did it?!" He yelled as I nodded.

"What isn't Peyton your number one person." He said as I looked at Peyton.

His hand was heading to places he shouldn't be touching...


Y'all should like totally check out my tikTok if you haven't. Hehe.


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