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Chayton's Pov
"Vee! You made it!" I yelled and she ran to me.

Veronica came out to her dad last year. He got so mad he stopped talking to her entire family and it was sad...

But yet the rest of her family welcomed her. Her mom was supportive. She came out as Pansexual.

"Alright alright! How many friends you got?" Anna asked me.

"Vee, Haylee, and Trey." I said and she nodded.

"Have you guys... ever tried alcohol?" Trey said bring bottles of Jack Daniel and vodka.

I looked at my parents who were terrified.

"No no no!" Peyton yelled.

"Love... why don't we let them... this ONE time..." Anna said and Peyton looked at me as she sighed.

"No more than one bottle." She said and we nodded.

"Actually ma'am these are for you." Trey said putting a wine and vodka bottle on the counter.

"Oh my god." Anna said grabbing one of them.

"Anna your a bad influence..." Peyton mumbled as she took the other one putting them in the cabinet.

"If they get to drink so do I." She getting a glass.

"Alright one bottle. No more than two and for the love of god. Don't take it far." We all nodded as we ran up to my room.

I stopped at Charlotte's room. I knocked before I could hear her panicking.

I got curious opening the door to see her jump in her bed.

"Uh hey Chayton..." she said covering herself up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I'm doing perfectly fine What are you talking about?" She said nervously.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she shook her hesd no.

I'm fine. I'm proud of you. Don't let me get in the way with your party." She said and I nodded.

"Uh well. I'm sure mom would let you drink a little." I said and she nodded smiling.

"Thanks." She said and I nodded.

I went back into my room afraid for Charlotte yet Haylee told me to enjoy this night.

Trey had to leave for a vacation trip. Haylee would have to leave because she has lacrosse practice in the morning. So it was gonna be Vee who was spending the night.

Charlotte's Pov
"Mom?" I asked going downstairs. 

"Yeah?" The both of them answered.

They were sitting together on the couch as I asked Anna to speak with Peyton alone.

"What's wrong?" Peyton asked me as I sighed.

"You've ever had boy trouble?" I asked her and she nodded.

"A little." She said and I nodded.

"I lost my virginity." I said and she spit out her alcohol.

"Oh well that's great... honey." She mumbled.

"Was it consensual?" She asked me and I nodded.

"But the guy... he wants to do it again. And I kinda don't want too." I said.

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