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Peyton's Pov
My head aches... my body is numb... and my arm feels like it's been pricked with needles all over.

I felt someone touch around my arm and I heard a rhythmic beeping around me. I knew Anna was close cause I remembered her scent on her clothes.

My head was in her neck as I opened my eyes. I felt her thumb rub over my skin while having her hand over my torso with
no pressure. Her head was above mine and I felt like I couldn't move.

I feel paralyzed... am I paralyzed? All the sudden I sat up and threw up over the side.

Nope not paralyzed thank god.

"Hey. Love you okay?" I heard as I felt myself crawl in a little ball.

My body was hot. I felt like I'm on the edge of a volcano. I kicked every blanket I had on top of me. Taking my arm and wiping the sweat off my head.

"Hey come here..." I heard as someone pulled me into their chest.

I winced so many times at my stomach. My arm wasn't able to move by all the tubes there was. I could hear myself whimper and wince at my agonizing pain in my stomach.

"It's okay... your okay." Anna whispered as her arms wrapped around me carefully.

She kissed my head repeatedly like I was on the edge of dying. I felt like dying. I wanted to die to not feel the pain in my body.

"Is she awake?" I heard Paxton's voice.

I looked up and Paxton was with Lucas. Lucas came by the bedside before ruffling my hair a little. He kissed the side of my head before replacing himself with Paxton.

"How do you feel? You want me to go get dad?" She asked but I didn't say anything.

I didn't feel like saying anything. I kept quiet as Anna answered for me.

"She needs her meds on the bedside. And you might do wanna get your dad." Anna said and I saw Paxton grab the meds.

"Can you sit up?" Anna asked me and I tried.

I managed to do it with her help. I laid my head on her chest has she got a water bottle from Paxton. She took the meds as I was suppose to take two a day.

"Here." She said handing me the pills.

I took them as my dad walked in the room. He smiled before coming to the sides and checking the monitor and machines.

"A friend of mine. He's a retired doctor and he's gonna come check up on you." He said and I nodded.

I laid my head on Anna's chest while she played with my hair. I had forgotten that my dad was still here.

"Alright. I'll check in with you in a couple hours." He said leaving.

I carefully wrapped my arms around her neck as my head automatically nuzzled my head in her chest. She kissed my head before playing with my hair.

Timeskip a few days

"Hey... you okay?" I felt some arms around me.

"You really haven't been talking for a few days... and you've not been eating." Anna said behind me.

I didn't say anything. My body was wired to all kind of machines. The doctor had come every other day to check on me as he gave me different types of medicine. It messed with my body so much I felt like I was gonna throw up every second and my body was in fatigue. I still continued to take the medication that was prescribed to me by my original doctor.

"Peyton?" Her soft voice...

Everything around me. I felt annoyed. I want to be alone... I don't wanna talk to anyone and I hate everything around me. My grades for school completely dropped.

My hunger has downgraded. I began to eat less and less. Everything that was good began to look disgusting.

I threw up everyday and my health wasn't getting any better. My body started to heat up at random times and some of the time I'd  pass out by exhaustion.

Anna's been there by my side ever since day 1. I know she hasn't been sleeping because of me and it's my fault.

My fault... she's not been eating... she hasn't been sleeping. She kept taking care of me and she hasn't focused on herself... I've managed to screw everything up with a choice.

"Peyton... hey look at me..." Anna guided my head to face her.

The tears that were streaming down my face showed every emotion I had left of me.

"Your okay... right? Are you gonna be okay?" She asked me before pulling me into a hug.

I didn't say anything. She felt warm both my body has been too cold to feel anything. And I don't mean by temperature. I mean by my feelings have turned cold and I've managed to make whatever I do turn into a cold action. Like I didn't care anymore.

I don't have a care in this world. And honestly I wouldn't mind if I died... the pain would be gone. Anna would finally have a break. Paxton doesn't have to be protective of me. And I would be free of Jackson forever...

"I don't want you here..." I said before Anna pulled away from me.

"What?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I don't want you here. I want you to go away." I said and my voice made it sound so cold...

Her eyes were hurt. Her body was tense... her hand was shaking... I didn't want this but my brain and my body told me to tell her to get out.

"Pey-" she said before I cut her off.

"Get out Anna." This time I was told intently to tell her to get out.

Her eyes... the tears made her eyes look good with a sea-green act. They were mixed with blue and green. The glassy eyes turned.

She got up before she gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving. Realizing she swapped sweatshirts. She took mine and left hers.

"Peyton? Why did Anna leave?" Paxton showed up to my door.

Paxton came up to me has she cupped my cheeks. I slapped her hands away from me before pushing her away.

"Get out!! Please everyone just fucking go away!" I didn't mean for it to sound rude but I wanted everything and everyone to just fucking go away.

"Peyton..." she whispered.

Footsteps came to the door as I see Lucas. Paxton looked like she was about to cry. My eyes were already watering. Lucas started to get close to me before I managed to push him away too.

"GET OUT!!" I yelled standing up. I realized I ripped up half the tubes in my arm.

The rapid beeping made everything worse. Everything seemed so loud and it hurt.

My mom and dad came in. Mom took Paxton and Lucas out before my dad started to get closer to me.

"Stop please... make it stop..." I said as I was sobbing loudly.

"It's okay... your gonna be okay." My dad said before he got close.

I wasn't able to push him away. He fought too me and I struggled relentlessly against him when I felt a needle down my neck. My entire body turned weak. Next my eyes and I passed out...

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