Chapter 5

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Grace Adams Pov

"Finally" I muttered happily reaching NewYork. I looked around myself to have a good look of my surrounding.

Smiling to myself, I booked a taxi to reach the building where I rented a small room from Srilanka. And let me tell you the place where i'm gonna live from today is one of the worst place in NewYork. That place is famous for the crimes. But that's the only place I can afford in NewYork.

After I reached the building, I payed to the taxi driver and made my way inside the building.

The room is really small, like really small. My old room in Srilanka was little big from this one. There is an attached bathroom too which is also small and both the room and bathroom are really clean *note the sarcasm*

Cleaning my room and bathroom, I locked the door carefully and made my outside the building to search myself a part-time job at some diner. And this time instead of taking taxi, I decided to walk.

NewYork is amazing, by the way. After two hours of hardwork finally I got a job in a diner near my building. And to my relif my shift starts from 4:00 at evening and ends at 10:00 at night and my salary is 200 dollar.

Finally after buying myself a burger I went back to the building as tomorrow is my first day in school.

Next day.

Waking up from my beauty sleep I got ready for my first day of school. I'm excited as well as nervous. Excited because the school is my dream school. I always wanted to study in this school and now finally my dream is coming true. And scared because this school is for rich kids. I'm lucky that I got scholarship but I'm scared of their reactions. I know they're gonna bully me like the others used to do in my previous school. Although all my life I have been bullied and I'm kind of used to it but still it hurts when they target me just because I'm not rich, I don't match there standard. Sighing I made my way towards a corner of the room to take my bag. Locking the room carefully I made my way to my school with the help of google map. This taxi thing is expensive and I can't waste my money just like that. It's not like I'm a Daughter of some billionaire I chuckled at my thoughts of me being a daughter of some rich people. It can happen only in my dreams.

Finally reaching my school after 20 minutes of walk I sighed in relief. I looked straight to see a big expensive looking building in my front. I smiled seeing my dream school in front of me. Making my way inside the school, I found a lot of students were in the campus. Everyone looked rich and stylish. It's like I'm not in a school but in a ramp show. I chuckled.

Some students were talking excitingly with their friends, some were busy in their phones, some were busy in their romance, I laughed at that. As I was walking I realised a lot of girls were giving me disgusted looks, looking at my clothes while boys were smirking and some even winked at me. Ignoring their glares I keep on walking.

"Seems like we have new cleaner in our school" A girl chipped looking at me disgustingly to which others starts laughing. Feeling little ache in my heart, I tried to kept my face neutral and continued walking.

After few minutes I finally reached the reception. A lady in her mid 30s was sitting their busy with her phone. I went near her cleared my throat to gain her attention. She looked up from her phone to me. But as soon as her eyes went to my clothes she made a face, clearly saying that shits are not allowed here.

"Yes?" She asked me in stern voice.

"Hi. I'm here for my schedule" I replied in polite voice but her face was still stern.


"Grace Adams".

After typing something in her computer she threw the schedule in front of me. Such a sweet lady, she is. I rolled my eyes and start walking away when he stopped me.

"Mr. Parkar wanted to meet you" She told me to which I frowned.

"Who?" I asked her to which she rolls her eyes.

"Dean of this school, Mr George Parkar wanted to meet you. Go in his cabin" She replied sternly and I nodded.

Before I could ask her where's his cabin she went back to use her phone. Sighing I made my way to God knows where.

As I walking in a hallway looking around my surrounding, I bumped with someone and both me and that person fell down on our butts.

"OMG! I'm so sorry" I apologized looking at at the girl who I bumped with. She's beautiful girl with her blonde hairs and blue eyes. She's wearing a beautiful black colour jumpsuit.

I stand up and waited for her to stand as well and yell at me. In a second she too stands up and looked at me with...concern.

"Hey, I'm so sorry. I didn't know where I was looking" I once again apologized to her which she grins.

"Oh no, It wasn't your fault. I was running without looking at my front. I'm sorry" She chipped cheerfully to which I looked at her shocked.

She said sorry. To me? Me?

"Hey, where are you lost?" She asked to which I shook my head in no.

She smiled and looked at my attire and grins. I too looked at my clothes. I was wearing a White full sleeve cotton tshirt with blue jeans and a white sneaker. My hairs are tied in a tight pony. And to be honest, I don't find myself looking bad. My clothes are not expensive but they are presentable.

"Your tshirt is cute" She smiles causing me to look at her in shock. Who is she? An Angel? First she said sorry to me and now she is complimenting me. ME.

"Thanks" I chipped with a polite smile.

"By the way, I'm Anna White" She said extending her hand towards me.

"Grace Adams" I replied shaking my hand with her.

"So you are new here?" She asked me to which I nodded.

She snatched my schedule and looked at it. She smiles and start dragging me to God knows where.

"Hey where are you taking me?" I asked her softly.

"We both have same class and it's Maths. Come on" She again start dragging me but I stopped her.

"Actually that women in reception told me that Mr Parkar wanted to see me. I have to meet him first" I chipped to which she nodded.

"Come, I'll take you to his cabin" With this she took to the opposite direction.

Reaching outside his cabin she stopped and left my arm.

"That's his cabin. Go and meet him I'll wait for you" She smiled at me to which I nodded happily. Seems like I can finally have a friend now.

Smiling at my thought I made my way towards his cabin. I knocked at his door twice when he finally ordered me to enter.


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