Chapter 26

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Grace/Evelyn's pov

After watching all those shits which Mr Parkar showed me I made a face.

"Why should I believe that you're not lying or they are not fake?" I asked to which he looked shocked.

Of course he would be shocked. He must have thought that I'm dumb who will belive him and his shitty stories.

"Ev? You think I'm lying?" He asked in a broken voice to which I shrugged my shoulders in response but instantly regretted my actions when I saw tears forming in his eyes.

"Ev, I'm not lying. You are my daughter" He said and a tear finally falls from his eyes.

I badly wanted to apologize to him for my misbehavior but I was scared.

"I know it must be shocking for you but please try to believe us. We are not lying to you" He said with a sad smile and left the room.

As soon as he left I pulled out my phone from my pocket and searched about Evelyn Parkar in google.

When I typed Evelyn Parkar I came across so many articles. Some were about Evelyn's birth, some were about her kidnapping, some were about her death and there were some new articles too which said that Evelyn Parkar is alive and Parker's hid her from the world in order to protect her.

Being a curious person I clicked that article only to realise that these articles were published when I was in hospital.

After reading those articles I searched some more when I came across a name Victoria Quin.

She was the one who kidnapped Evelyn Parkar. When I clicked that article I saw a picture of Victoria Quin.

Later I read more about her and to my surprise whatever Mr Parkar said about Victoria was actually mentioned in that article and the article was also old.

I later searched for Evelyn's picture and I found some of her baby pictures. When I zoomed those pictures I kinda felt familiar. I instantly searched my old pictures from my phone gallery. I stopped when I saw my picture of my three year old self. I took the screenshot of both those pictures and made a college of mine and Evelyn's picture.

After that both the pictures were in one frame. I searched the similarities between those pictures and to my surprise a lot of our features were similar.


I again and again checked those pictures and the more I was watching, more I was getting scared.

Don't tell me that this is true.

What if they are telling me the truth? Or what if they are lying? What if me and Evelyn have similar face and that's why they are getting confused? Or what if they knows that Evelyn is dead and I have similar features as Evelyn so they are lying to me so that they can make me Evelyn for their own selfish reasons? What if these dna reports are fake? What if dna reports aren't fake? What if they are pretending to be good to me and then after sometime they start being violent to me like those peoples who adopted me few years back? Or what if they are being genuine?

I was confused. My mind was filled with so many questions but I didn't had answers. I was really getting mad with all these things in mind.

Oh god!

Flashback when Ev was eight years old.

"Aunt Mary, when is my mom coming?" I asked aunt Mary for the thousands times about my mom.

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