Chapter 34

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Adrian's pov

Life is so unpredictable. Just a day before we were happy and motivated to expose the person who tried messing with us. But now suddenly everything changed. My daughter's identity has been revealed to the world by some unknown creature.


I can't believe myself. Being one of the most influential person of NewYork, I failed to protect my daughter's identity from the world.

I know she is not saying it but she is scared, really scared. That was the only reason she hugged me earlier. She was scared and was trying to calm herself by hugging me.

My little girl.

I have disappointed my daughter a lot and everytime I say that now I will protect her, I end up disappointing her. I wish I could do something to win her trust.

Already she was stressed with everything and now today's news and later those paparazzi added more stress. God knows how she will manage herself when paparazzi will throw their giant cameras at her.

Thinking of that I googled the articles about Ev's. There were already too many articles about her. Some articles were believing the news of us hiding Ev for so long and some were making their own theories like how We killed Victoria and hid Ev's to protect ourselves.

How I wish the theory of killing Victoria to be true.

There were more articles of Ev's when she was in school campus and these paparazzi were harassing her.

Fuck these paparazzi.

"Adrian" I heard Sofia's voice and turned towards her and hummed.

"Adrian, I'm not going to loose my daughter once again, right?" She asked innocently.

"Sofia" I sighed and cupped her cheeks.

"I promise I'll definitely protect my daughter this time. I promise I will get that person who helped Victoria that day and that person who revealed Ev's identity today. This time there is no going back. And like Ev said, that maybe family or some relative is involved, if that's true, I promise I will punish him/her no matter what or how close our relation would be. No one will be spared this time" I said and she nodded.

"B-but you know what Adrian, I'm really proud of our daughter. She is soo intelligent" Sofia said with teary eyes to which I nodded.

"Yes she is. Her mind is really sharp" I smile remembering the time when Ev highlighted those main points.

"Adrian" Sofia again called me to which I looked at her.

"Do you think that Victoria is alive?" She asked to which I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, Sofia. I don't know. But honestly I want her to be dead now. I know she has caused so much pain to Ev and us and she deserves to get punishments for her crimes but I still want her dead. Because somewhere I know that what she is capable of" I sighed looking away from her.

It's true. I know that if Victoria is still alive she won't be caught easily. That woman is way to clever. If she is alive, it would be difficult to catch her punish her. That's why I want her to be dead already. We might won't be able to punish her if she dies but atleast than a dead Victoria won't be a threat to Ev.


"Dad" Aaron and Liam came and knocked the door to which Sofia asked them to enter.

"Dad, uncle Asher is trying to get the information about that person who leaked Ev's identity" Aaron said to which I nodded.

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