Chapter 7

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Grace Adams Pov

After my school, I directly went to the diner for my job. In diner, I met my co workers. Some where humble and some of them were quite rude.

As I was serving coffee to a couple, my clumsiness decided to mess things up and I accidentally spill the coffee in their lap. *Gasp*

"What the fuck?"

"Are you fucking blind?"

They yelled loudly causing me to flinch in distress.

"I'm so sorry. Sir, ma'am. I don't know how this happened. I'm so sorry" I immediately start apologizing.

"How dare you? You did this on purpose, right? Bloody third class clumsy whore" that woman yelled loudly at me.

"Keep your sorry to yourself. Where's the fucking manager?" That man too start yelling for manager.

"Ma'am, Sir. Please, don't call him. I'm really really sorry, please" I tried convincing them but that was of no use.

"What's happening here?" My boss came behind me, looking little angry.

"Who are you?" That man asked.

"I'm the manager of this diner, Mister" My boss said carefully.

"Oh. So, you're the one. Just look at your clumsy employee. She spilled coffee on me and my girlfriend. She literally burned us" That man said looking at me angrily.

When I slowly turned to my boss, he was also throwing draggers in my direction, I immediately looked down.

"I'm so sorry, sir and ma'am. This won't happen again. She's actually new here, so she kind of messed up" My boss said in extra sweet voice.

"Please sir, ma'am. Please have a seat and enjoy your coffee. The bills is on me" Boss said to them, to which the nodded still looking angry.

My boss asked another person to serve them coffee and asked me to follow him.

Slowly I followed him to his cabin. He settled himself to his chair and glared me.

"What was that?" He yelled at me.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I accidentally tripped and the coffee spilled on them" I chipped slowly to which he nodded.

"Next time be careful or else find yourself a new job. And yes, their coffee bill is on you. I"ll cut it from your salary" He chipped dismissing me.

I tried my best to not to cry but a single drop fell from eyes. I immediately went back to continue my work, and this time with extra care.


Finally at 10 PM, my shift ended causing me to breathe in relief. Packing my stuff and free food from the diner, I made my way outside the diner.

Gina, my co worker from diner offered me a drive to my appartment but I politely denied. My appartment was hardly 10-15 minutes away from the diner, so I decided to walk.

Reaching my appartment, I took a shower and changed my self into something comfortable. Later, I filled my tummy with diner's food. And after that, start studying.

And this is how my day spent.


Next day, I got ready for my school. It was an usual day but I felt something good is going to happened today. I don't know why I'm feeling this.

In school everything was good. Except the fact that girls are still forcing me to get a boyfriend while boys were laughing at my irritated face.

After school I again went to diner, praying that today I don't show my clumsiness.

Changing into the uniform, I start taking orders and serving them. I was busy in my work when Gina looked at me happily.

"What happened?" I asked her to which she turned to me happily.

"You know what? A hot shot billionaire just arrived in our diner with his wife" She grinned at me causing me to smile.

"Who's this hot shot billionaire?" I asked her randomly as cook was busy with the dishes I have to serve.

"Liam Parker and his wife Celia Parker. Liam Parker is the son of billionaire, and he himself is a billionaire. He is hot and sexy and very, very, very cute. And his wife, Celia, she's so pretty and humble. She's a model" She chipped happily to which I nodded.

"And yes, I forgot to tell you. You have to attend them. They are in table 9" She chirped happily causing me to widen my eyes in shock.

"What? No!" I almost cried.

"What's this reaction?" She asked me with shock.

"Yesterday only I spilled the coffee on a couple and now today I have to serve to the billionaires. Oh God! What if I messed up again. Please you go and serve them. I don't want to go" I chirped but she shook her head in no.

"Don't worry. You won't do anything wrong today. Plus they're very humble and down to earth. They won't scold you. Now go" With this she pushed me out of the kitchen.

"Grace, you can do this. Don't worry" I chipped inside my head.

Forcing a smile on my face I made my way towards them, with my notepad of course.

"Hello, I'm Grace, your waitress for today. What would you like to order?" I asked, ready to take their orders.

Both of them looked at me and oh my god! Such a gorgeous peoples. They both are really gorgeous. They really compliment each other. I thought.

The man, Liam parkar looked at me like he was trying to recall something.

"You look quite familiar? Have we met before?" He asked me, causing me to look at him in shock.

The same question which Mr George Parker asked me. Wait. George parkar, Liam Parkar? Are they related to each other?

I was busy in my own world when someone cleared their throat. I smiled awkwardly at them.

"No Mr parkar, I'm new here in NewYork" I chipped to which he nodded still looking confused. When I turned to his wife, she was also looking at me with confusion. Like she was trying to solve a puzzle or something. I cleared my throat and once again asked them for their order.

After a while they ordered their meal and I quickly start leaving when I again heard their talks.

"I don't know why she's looking familiar" Mr parkar says to which his wife nodded.

Entering inside the kitchen I gave my notepad to the cook and looked at Gina, who was also looking little confused.

What's up with everyone being confused today?

"Are you sure you're Adams?" Gina suddenly asked me.

"Huh! Of course I'm" I replied her.

"You sure?" She again asked me and I looked at her weirdly.

"No, actually..actually when you were in front of Liam parkar. You looked like a female version of Liam parkar. You guys have almost the same features" She chipped with confusion.

"No Gina, we are nothing. I don't know him. You are the one who told me about him. Hey, wait! Do you think George parkar and Liam parkar are related to each other?" I looked at her to which she nodded a yes.

"George parkar is Liam's uncle" I nodded.  Funny they both asked me the same question *laugh*


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