Chapter 20

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Adrian's pov

Everything is done. We are all set to take Ev to our home, her home.

Ev is sleeping from the effects of the medicines and she is not going to wake up anything soon to question us, so she isn't a problem.

The problem is paparazzi. They have surrounded the hospital from every corner to get a glimpse of Ev. Thankfully we have increased the security so they aren't able to enter inside the hospital instead they are outside waiting for us.

Martin my old friend, the one who was tracing Victoria in past, whose one team member helped Victoria to escape the prison, is now the head commissioner. He has send his team to help us to get away from the paparazzi. And this time he made sure that none of his team member betray us like before.

When Ev was kidnapped and Martin got to know that one of his own man helped Victoria, he was shocked and guilty. That time he tried his best to search Victoria and save Ev but he couldn't. But he made sure that his man get the punishment for his deeds. Not just that, that year he was supposed to get the promotion but he rejected that promotion saying that his team member betrayed him and because of that Ev got kidnapped and so he can't accept the promotion.

But today when I called him and told him that we got our Ev back, he was really happy and he instantly got ready to help us with paparazzi things.

"Everything done?" Dad asked making his way towards me to which I nodded.

"Dad, it's time now" Aaron said and I nodded.

We all went to Ev's room. Celia had covered Ev's face with face mask and and a hoodie was near Ev's bed.

"Let's go then" I said rubbing my palms against each other to which everyone nodded.

Liam went towards Ev and lifts her up in his arms. Aaron too went towards them and covered Ev with the hoodie.

When we were almost outside Celia covered Ev's face with the hoodie completely. Our bodyguards and Martin's team surrounded us.

"Make sure none of Ev's picture get leaked" I warned the head officers of hospital to which they all nodded.

After that we all finally stepped outside the hospital. As soon as we got out hundreds of cameras turned towards us.

Mr parkar is she your daughter, Evelyn parkar?

Why are you hiding her?

Is she sick?

What happened to her?

Where is Victoria? Is she in prison?

Were you having an affair with Victoria?

Is she really your daughter Evelyn?

When did you found her?

Everyone were yelling, asking questions. Finally after few minutes of struggle we finally made our way to our car through these reporters were constantly following us. They were clicking pictures after pictures. They were not at all ready to leave us.

I sighed once we all settled ourselves in our cars.


When I reached my home I sighed in relief. Finally!

I came out of my car along with Sofia and my mom and waited for others.

When Liam's car came, we all smiled. Liam came out of car with Celia and Aaron and then he went to backseat. In a second he took Ev out of car. Her face was still covered. In the meantime others too came.

Taking Ev's in his arms, Liam smiled and made his way inside the mansion.

Finally my daughter is back in her home. I smiled at the thought.

When Liam finally took her inside we all smiled through our tears.

I never thought that I'll be alive to see this day. Finally our princess is back. Our lost princess is found and she is back to the place where she belong to.

Sofia came to me and hugged me tightly.

"She is back" Sofia said smiling through her tears. I wiped her tears and gestured her to go inside.

With hands in hands we both went inside the home to accompany the rest of the family members.

Liam made Ev's sleep in his room. Celia uncovered Ev's face and covered her properly with duvet.

Everyone from my family were in Liam's room, watching Ev.

"Today is the best day of my life. My granddaughter is back" Dad said shedding some happy tears to which mom patted his back to calm him.

"Finally Ev is back. I can't believe this" Emily almost jumped looking at Ev and we all chuckled looking at her excitement.

"The light of our life is back" Liam smiled and sat beside Ev.

"Come on everyone, it's time for family photo" Aaron said and we all gathered around Ev and he took a selfie.

"Soon Ev will be the one taking the family photo in her phone" Dad said looking at Ev with a smile.

"She will" Mom nodded.

Can't wait for that day.


Other person pov

"Do you know, Parkar's daughter, Evelyn Parkar was alive?"

"She was hidden from us for so many years"

"The billionaire Parkar's were scared to introduce her to the world. Were they scared from Victoria Quin?"

"Where do you think Victoria Quin is hiding?"

I switched off the television and went to my balcony to get some fresh air. *sigh*

So, that bitch was alive all this time and was happily living with her family and here I was thinking that Adrian will never get this daughter back. Seems like I failed.

I laughed recalling the headlines which I watched in television. They were hiding their daughter. From who? Me? Victoria Quin?

But their bad. They couldn't hide her properly. Now that I know that she is alive, they think they can save her from me. Hell no.

Last time, she got saved but not this time. This time I will end her chapter. This time, no one can save her from me, NO ONE.

But before killing that bitch, I will have to know when did Parker's got her back and from where.

But no worries. All I have to do is, to call him and ask him about that bitch.

Last time they all thought that only that Martin's team member helped me. But they were wrong.

Yeah, he helped me but along with him their was someone else too who helped me to reach that bitch and kidnap her. And that him was someone whom they thought was their well wisher, only if they knew *evil laugh*

But unfortunately Parkar's never got to know about him. I laughed thinking about that.

And like last time, he will once again help me to snatch that bitch from the Parkar's.

I laughed and poured the wine for myself. This time I will win and no one can stop me.

Get ready Parkar's. Victoria quin is coming.

Who do you guys think helped Victoria? Is that 'him' is someone from the family or someone else?


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