Chapter 50 - Davien's POV

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He couldn't get her out of his mind no matter how hard he tried. After Davien returned home from his visit from the Vermillion pack, Davien would catch his mind wandering to the mysterious woman he saw at the lake. Her long black hair and green eyes would often appear in his mind like a ghost that haunted him. She was so beautiful that he doubted whether or not she was real or if she was just a figment of his imagination.

He would be in a daze so often that his father and those around him had been pointing out his strange habit of looking out of the window as if wanting to up and leave to go and find something, which they weren't completely wrong on. The past few weeks, he has tried to come up with a good enough excuse to visit the vermillion pack again.

Asking his father to visit just for a woman he had seen once would make him look crazy, especially since the woman in question wasn't even his mate. When he realised this was the case, he was a little disappointed, he means, how could this person solicit such a reaction from him when they weren't even mates? Maybe that's one of the reasons why he wanted to go back so that he could understand why he was feeling like this.

"-Earth to Davien," a familiar stranger clicked his hand fingers in front of him, trying to bring him back to reality, "Earth to Davien!" He said again.

Davien sighed, rolling his eyes, "Do you need anything Uncle Tristan?"

"You were daydreaming again,"

"I was not daydreaming, I was thinking. There's a difference,"

Tristan laughed, "Ok... So what were you thinking about oh so deeply? Is it a girl? Did you meet someone?"

"No, and you know I'm waiting for my mate right?"

"Doesn't mean you can't find someone you like. You are at that age after all and dating is pretty common around your age group,"

"...Uncle Tristan... what if, hypothetically, you met a girl who you felt like your mate but wasn't?"

Tristan raised his eyebrow, "Felt like your mate but wasn't?" He asked again.

Davien nodded.

For a moment, Tristan was silent. "There had been some people that reported that people related to their mate could solicit a similar reaction to finding your mate... but that's pretty uncommon and the information is unreliable."

Davien pondered on his words. Someone related to their mate?

Silence fell upon them as the quiet sound of the clock filled the room. It was then he heard a commotion outside his office. Furrowing his eyebrows, he stood up and walked to the window to see what was causing the commotion. He saw many of his friends gathering around saying congratulations to somebody. Thinking that he knew this person, he looked a little closer.

It was Nathan, one of his long time friends.

"Did Nathan find his mate?" He asked.

"Yeah, yesterday,"

"Is she from our pack?"

Tristan smiled, "He, and... it's Owen,"

Davien whipped his head around. His eyes were as big as saucers.

"What?" He asked in utter disbelief, "T-they're mated to each other?"

"Why? Is that such a bad thing?" Tristan teased.

"No! I-it's a great thing, it's just... they're both..."

"Men?" He finished.

"Yeah... it's just very uncommon,"

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