Chapter 36 - Love

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Soon morning came, Austin felt something press against him and because he was used to sleeping by himself, he found this odd. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see Amara buried in his chest, she somewhat resembled a little cat that curled it's body inwards, this made his eyes considerably soften at the sight.

Without thinking he gently brushed his fingers under over her eye.

"Mm..." she groaned and swatted his hand away in annoyance. She buried herself deeper in his chest as if wanting to stay as close to the heat as possible. This cute action made Austin pull her even closer to him not leaving any space between them; and just like Amara, he buried his face in her neck taking in her scent that was now mixed with his.

He smiled in content, his heart felt so full at the moment that for a second it felt like it was going to burst. His happiness was in his arms, it felt so fragile that he was scared he was going to break it if he held on to tight, but at the same time, it felt as if it was going to slip from his fingers.

He took a quick glance at the clock that was on the bedside table and saw that it was only six in the morning, he had to get up in an hour. He debated whether he should get up now or wait until Amara was awake. He looked at her and saw that she was still deep in sleep, and by the way, he was holding her, if he moved then it was highly likely that it would disturb her sleep.

With no other option, he decided to once again close his eyes. It wasn't every day that he could sleep so peacefully, especially with someone beside him.



The next time he opened his eyes it was already ten am, he was a little surprised as he had never slept in so late before. Shortly after waking up, he could feel slight movements from beside him.

"Mn..." Amara groggily tried to open her eyes but found that it was harder than she thought, the blinding light that pierced through the window didn't help, instead it made her want to close them again. After a couple of seconds, she was finally getting used to the brightness and reluctantly forced herself to sit up, moving her body away from Austin's warm and muscular chest. She frowned at the sudden coldness she felt.

As a result of her actions, her clothes ended up in disarray with half of her shirt hanging off her shoulder revealing her milky skin and beautiful collar bone. Her eyes remained a little hazed and her body slightly swayed back and forth as if fighting to fall back in bed.

Austin silently watched this scene, it seemed that she hadn't completely noticed his presence yet and so he kept as quiet as possible to not suddenly startle her. Though the scene in front of him wasn't sensual in the slightest his mind couldn't help but think wicked thoughts like, how soft her skin would feel, what kind of expressions she would show if he were to push her under him, how red her porcelain skin can become, and how her voice would sound like in pleasure.

'Shit!' he quickly took a pillow and put it over his lap, his sudden actions caused Amara to finally notice him. She inched closer to him and leaned her body into his, Austin was no longer surprised at her eccentric actions and proceeded to hold her side, he gave a soft kiss to the side of her head before saying, "Good morning love," his gravelly voice was enough to entice both men and woman.

"Let's head down for breakfast ok?"

Amara absently nodded her head before wrapping her arms around his neck, she looked at Austin with her doe eyes. The two made their way downstairs with Austin carrying her in his arms, not that he was complaining.

When they made it downstairs they noticed that some people were already present. Felix, Jessie, Jackson, Lucas and the Clemente family sat on the couch but with them was someone he didn't recognise, he looked like a man in his mid-50s with brown hair and dark eyes. He took a whiff of his scent and found that he was human.

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