Chapter 16 - Deadly melody

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After 3 hours of shopping Jessie finally decided that they had gotten everything they needed and was time to head home. Amara breathed a sigh of relief. She put all of the bags they accumulated into the trunk of the car and drove away.

The car ride back was anything but silent, Jessie talked all the way as Amara silently listened beside her soaking up everything she was saying like a sponge.

Her constant chatter helped Amara learn their language at an astonishing pace that even put geniuses to shame, she knew that it wouldn't be long until she could start constructing sentences.

Something they didn't realise was that from the very first day Amara appeared in their lives she had been memorising everything she was seeing and hearing so that she could adapt to her new environment for a higher chance of survival. If anyone knew this they would look at Amara as if she was a monster.

Jessie moved one of her hands off the steering wheel towards the radio and turned it on thinking that Amara was bored.

Amara who was enchanted by the melody coming from the radio started to hum along, unaware of the effects that her voice had on people.

As she continued humming Jessie's eyes turn listless, she was unconsciously being put into a trance like state.

Her grip on the wheel slowly began to weaken and the car started crossing over the other side. Amara remained unperturbed and continued looking out the window while gently humming.

Just as Jessie was about to turn limp a loud honk pulled her out of her trance, immediately she could see a truck heading straight towards them and in panic roughly turned the wheel avoiding a head on collision.

The fear for her life rendered her in shock, her hands couldn't stop shaking and her breaths were rapid. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead showing her terrified state.

She leaned her head on the steering wheel as she tightly clutched her hand. Stupid, stupid! Because of my stupidity we could have died.

We almost died...

This sentence repeated in her head over and over again causing her body to turn cold, she clutched her hand even tighter causing it to turn white.

Lost in the jumble of thoughts she forgot the presence beside her until she felt a warm hand on hers.

The sudden warmth caused her to wince in surprise, she traced the hand back to Amara's tranquil and steady eyes. For some reason her erratic mind became steady, and the fast beating of her heart slowed down.

"Breathe..." Amara said softly, her voice almost held a hypnotic power to it because Jessie who was just on the verge of having a panic attack instantly calmed down.

Amara gently embraced her bringing her head towards her chest as she softly rubbed her head like a mother comforting her child. A soft euphonic voice filled the air, making it seem completely isolated from the world.

The traumatic memories that was held within Jessie became almost transparent, like a window was placed around it where she could see the memory but not feel it.

Seeing that Jessie in a better state she let go. Jessie took a deep breath, the memory placed in the back of her mind, she smiled and looked at Amara as if nothing ever happened and drove off.



Half an hour later they arrived at the drive way of the house and just as they were about to walk in another car appeared, it was Austin. He parked his car beside them and got out.

"You guys just came back?" Austin asked, his eyes glued to Amara. She was wearing the dress from the photo Jessie had sent him, looking even more beautiful in person

"You look beautiful" Austin says softly, his lips forming a soft smile.


Amara's heard that word multiple times, many of which were directed at her. She remembers a time where she overheard a woman saying that to the sky, her eyes were filled with deep appreciation and awe.

The sailors had a similar expression but it did not have the same emotion the woman possessed in them. It seemed more like a possessive type of stare because in their eyes she was merely an objected, a new toy.

So piecing those together she had a slight idea to what beautiful meant and so concluded that what she was wearing pleases Austin.

"Thank you..."

Austin blinked a couple times, surprised that she actually responded instead of her usual nods or silence. His smile grew wider thinking that she has begun to open up to them, "You're welcome"

Austin had several people take the bags that were in the car trunk and move them to the house, he was ready to walk in side when a small voice rang out

"My feet hurt..."

Austin stopped in his tracks and turned his head towards her. Her tone was flat without any fluctuations, it didn't sound like a complaint at all, but oddly enough Austin found it extremely cute.

"Would you like me to carry you back?" His voice pampering and tone full of affection. She opened her arms allowing him to hold he, he walked over and gently lifted her off the ground.

His original intention was to do the typical princess carry but to his surprise she wrapped her legs around his waist, he slightly stiffened, his mind heading to the direction where it shouldn't. He tried to suppress his physical reactions by thinking of anything but her and just barely suppressed it.

Meanwhile Jessie was shamelessly left behind by the couple, she suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and decided to help carry the bags back to the house while being forced to watch this dog food*, she was pretty sure that they had forgotten she even existed.

(Dog food = PDA, it's a Chinese idiom lmao, I've been reading to many of these novels)

Amara buried her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his tantalising scent. It was the most amazing thing she's every smelt, it felt as if it enveloped her senses easily making her addicted to.

Austin felt her long lashes brush against his skin giving him goosebumps, 'she's really making it hard for his self-control' he internally complained. He began reciting pi to keep his mind holy and unconsciously increased his pace.

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