Chapter 32 - A new foe

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Austin had long realised that their attacks were being focused on him but even so, he fought his way through trying to pinpoint their leader when he saw a single wolf standing on a cliff arrogantly looking down on the battlefield. Despite the rogue's numbers quickly dwindling the wold did not show any trace of panic. Instead, his face showed annoyance and scorn.

It wasn't hard to tell that this wolf was the one leading the attack.

Austin fastened his pace and quickly struck down whoever was in his path, blood soaked him to the bone making it hard to tell who's blood belonged to who's.

Soon, he reached the cliff that the wolf was situated on. The wolf in front of him's coat was a shade of dark grey with a streak of white fur. The most noticeable feature that caught his attention was the scar that ran over his left eye.

"How dare you trespass on my territory," Austin's voice was so low that it borderlined a growl, his eyes were cold and threatening and anyone with any sense would immediately start running the opposite way.

The grey wolf slowly turned around, his eyes did not show fear but instead amusement. A low growl resonated from him before shifting into a man.

The figure that had morphed from a wolf to man had a light cool brown hair paired with grey coloured eyes; the same shade as his coat, his bare skin was covered with scars big and small.

Despite his disfigurement, it did not reduce his physical appeal but instead gave him a wild temperament making it hard for him to be easily forgotten.

"Hello there alpha. A little birdie told me that the great Alpha Austin found his mate. I'm just here to see if it's true," he says while smiling.

At the mention of his mate, Austin's body instinctively tensed and killing intent began to ooze out of his body causing the temperature to significantly drop.

"Now, now alpha. Isn't it a little bit rude to treat someone who came with good intentions like this?" He said as he cocked his head, grinning from ear to ear, and for some reason, irked Austin.

"State your business rogue," he growled.

He merely smiled before holding his hand out, "Tobias,"

Austin glanced at the outstretched hand with no intentions of shaking it. Tobias feigned a hurt look before taking it back.

"Alpha Austin, I'm gonna cut straight to the point. You have acres and acres of land, you almost own this island no? We just wanted to know if you were willing to give just a piece of it to us. I'm sure it wouldn't make much of a difference to you,"

"No, now leave." Austins' face was grim

Tobias dramatically sighed "I was really hoping we could settle this peacefully,"

"Your wolves are dropping like flies, it won't be long until they are all dead. I will give you one last warning. Leave"

Tobias softly chuckled "You underestimate me alpha, you don't think I came here without a plan did you?"

"I wonder... where's your mate right now? Maybe in a building? Your office, maybe?"

Austin stilled before he clenched his fist, his eyes that were once detached began to fill with rage.

He disregarded the man in front of him and quickly turned back, immediately trying to get to where Amara is but as if Tobias expected this, he was one step faster and blocked his path.

"Get out of the way," he warned.

Tobias's smile did not falter irritating Austin until his last remaining ounce of self-restraint snapped. He swung his fist towards his head hoping to smash his skull into pieces but alas, Tobias was able to dodge his attack before taking a couple of steps back to create distance between them.

"Oh dear, how vicious," he said lightly.

Austin gritted his teeth, his face filled with annoyance and impatience, his entire body was itching to quickly leave this place and search for Amara and this person was getting in the way of that.

He was just glad that he had taken precautions and left his best warriors with her easing his mind a little.

The two continued exchanging blows but as time went on Austin's fist were getting even sharper and more agile landing more and more blows on him.

This made Tobias raise his guard up even more. His light-hearted attitude began to fade away as his expressions became more serious. Although he was reluctant to admit it he knew he was no match for this person, and if this went on any longer he was guaranteed to lose.

His mind began calculating the best and safest way to leave this fight unscathed but found that his options were limited. Austin did not leave many openings, their fight was merciless and fast and if he were to slack for even a moment he would surely end up dead.

In the distance, two figures could be seen coming closer towards them. At first, Austin was unsure whether or not they were another enemy or an ally and so raised his vigilance to the extreme. The two figures were coming towards them at a very fast speed and in less than 3 seconds they were only a few metres away from them. At this distance, Austin was able to distinguish who they were and it was none other than Jackson and Felix

Seeing as two more people decided to join in on the fray, Tobias's arrogant demeanour vanished and was replaced by a serious and wary man. He thought that his chances of escaping alive had gone down significantly. He didn't want to use this card so early in the game but found that he had no choice if he wanted to leave alive.

"Alpha, your mate should be in my hands right about now and so I advise you to make a wise decision and listen to what I say,"

Austin stilled while Felix flinched, seeing both of their reactions Tobias couldn't help but smile triumphantly thinking that he now had the upper hand.

He glanced at Felix before saying "Ah, it would seem that both of your mates are in your office."

"Alright, if you give me a piece of your land let me off alive, I promise that no harm will come to either of them," thinking that he had the both of them dancing on the palm of his hand, his guard lessened a fraction but this was all they needed.

Austin rushed towards him and aimed for his neck while Jackson and Felix - who moved at the same time - darted behind him.

The moment that Austin's hand landed on his neck, he did not hesitate before slashing through it which he was partially successful. If it wasn't for Tobias's fast reaction his neck would have been cut clean off. Though the slash wasn't as fatal, it was still quite deep and if he did not stop the bleeding soon then he would ultimately die of blood loss.

Tobias clutched his bleeding neck while he hatefully glared at the three of them, a vicious growl erupted from him before quickly turning to run away. With the last of his strength, he dodged both Jackson and Felix and disappeared into the woods.

Austin did not bother going after him as his one thought was only on Amara and quickly headed back to his office, Felix followed after him while Jackson stayed to deal with the aftermath.


Hey guys, here's a new chapter! Thanks to everyone who's commented and voted, it means the world to me!

I honestly didn't think this book was going to be this popular ahaha. Anyway, please keep voting and share my book with others? ahahah

(and tell me if there are any grammatical errors and I'll fix them)

Hope you all have a good day xx

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