Chapter 1

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It's been two months since you moved to Japan. You were doing well in school, as well as your mission. You and Light were the best of friends now. Light noticed your disdain for studying despite your outstanding intelligence, and decided to invite you to a café one day after school to study together. Since then, the two of you had been frequenting the café, and now that you're properly studying, you're the second best student in class, second only to Light Yagami himself. Light would also often invite you over to his house for dinner, since your parents would often come home late.

"Come on, (F/N), let's go," said Light.

You sat at your desk, exhausted from another day of prison. Thankfully, your last class for the day had just ended.

"I don't want to study again...I get high grades even if I don't study, so what's the point?" you said.

"I know you have nothing better to do, so let's go."

"Actually, I do have better stuff to do!"

"You mean sitting on the couch and watching anime?" Light said with a sigh.

"W-Well..." you said with a nervous laugh as you averted your eyes from his gaze.

"Nice try. Look, I'll buy you a parfait, so let's go."

"Alright, I'm in! Let's go!"

The two of you walked to a café and sat down. Light ordered a cup of black coffee, while you ordered a strawberry parfait.


"Hm?" you looked up from your notebook as you took a scoop of your ice cream.

"Tell me."

"About...? The parfait? The answer to our History homework? Light, I'm not an esper," you deadpanned, earning a sigh from Light.

"The reason why you're so adverse to studying."

"It's boring," you answered, taking another scoop of ice cream.

"You know I'm not going to believe that," said Light.

You stared at him blankly.

"Alright, fine, you win," you said, giving in. "And I'm only saying this because it's you, okay? The thing is, I have no respect for school and teachers. You see, in the past, I've expressed all my thoughts and insights honestly, only to be told off by teachers who didn't even understand what my points were. In other words....ah Light, don't make me say it, I don't want to be mean!" you protested.

"Don't worry, I completely get you," he said.

"For real?" you said in disbelief.

There was a reason why you didn't have any 'real' friends besides Light. You felt like you couldn't be honest with other people. With Light, you felt as though you could tell him anything, and he wouldn't abandon you.

"Yes. Don't worry, I know it's a problem when students are more competent than the teachers they are supposed to be learning from," said Light.

"Oh yes, that's a nicer way to put it," you laughed.

"It's an even bigger problem in larger society," he continued.

"Definitely," you said with a hint of disgust.

"Say, Light, you're just like Reinhard, aren't you?" you said smugly.

"Reinhard?" Light said quizzically.

"Oh, come on! You must know it! The best series of all time, 'Legend of the Galactic Heroes'!"

Light stared at you, dissatisfied.

"Alright, alright, yes sir. I shall return to my studies and vanquish all unnecessary thoughts about anime and games. I did finish the parfait already after all," you said in dejection.

At this, Light let out a laugh, earning a glare from you.

Little did you know that Light was mostly using the group study as an excuse. He needed a reason to spend more time with you.

A while later, the two of you wrapped up, and left the café. The sun was already beginning to set. You walked home together, then parted ways.

Unbeknownst to you, Light had picked up a certain black notebook after class that afternoon while you were in the lavatory, right before the two of you headed to the café.

Finally home, you cooked yourself a quick and light dinner, as you weren't too hungry because of the parfait you had earlier. When you finished, you ate at the table while scrolling through your phone.

A news article caught your eye.

"Kurou Otoharada, fourty-two years old. Unemployed. The man who indiscriminately killed six people yesterday," you read.

"How disgusting," your voice was full of contempt.

"I can't believe anyone would do something so horrible. Surely he was not in his right mind. Must've been on drugs or something."

Continuing, you read "The man is still barricaded inside a nursery school with eight hostages, including children."

"What?! That's just awful," you said clenching your fist. "What are the police even doing? What a waste of my parents' taxes," you spat.

"Don't be so upset, (F/N). I'm sure the police will get him soon," Adiel tried to calm you down.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. It's not like I can do anything about it anyway. Getting stressed over it would just be a disfavor to myself."

You finished your dinner, and went over to the couch. You picked up your phone, and started scrolling again.

'Indiscriminate killer, Otoharada Kurou, suddenly collapsed and died due to a heart attack. All eight hostages were then safely rescued by the police,' you read to yourself.

"Adiel, look at this!" you exclaimed in relief. "The guy who took nursery children hostage suddenly died! And all the hostages are safe."

"Wow, that's great!" said Adiel who was floating in front of your phone, taking a look at the article.

Later that night, as you were lying down in bed, trying to fall asleep, you suddenly remembered something very important.

'Kurou Otoharada. Kurou Otoharada...somehow it's a very familiar name. It isn't common either. Where could I have heard it from? A horrible criminal, but he's dead now, thank goodness. Died from a heart attack.' you thought.

'Wait. Heart attack?!'

At that moment, it all came back to you. You remembered the significance of this man.

'Otoharada Kurou! The first name Light writes in the Death Note!'

Desperation | Light Yagami x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin