Chapter 3

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Light Yagami sat at his desk, writing down the names of various evildoers in a black notebook.

"I gotta say, you're really dedicated to this," said Ryuk, a shinigami who was lounging in Light's room.

"I don't have time to waste, Ryuk," Light replied.

"I only have a few hours a day to write names into the notebook between getting home from school and going to bed. It's important that I stay at the top of my class, ergo, I can't sleep in class. I also have to do all my homework, both for school and my prep course. But I can't sacrifice my time for sleep because it would affect my health and concentration," Light explained.

"I'm ridding the world of evil and creating a utopia," he continued. "No matter how much time I have, it won't be enough."

"You say that, yet you spent three hours playing chess with some girl the other day," Ryuk pointed out.

"(F/N)..." Light thought. "She's different. And besides, recreation is to the mind what sleep is to the body."

You and Light were at your go-to café. The two of you chatted while drinking your drinks. Light had a black coffee as usual, while you had fruit juice.

It had been about a week since Light first used the Death Note, and the mass criminal deaths by heart attacks had just started to be publicized.

"Say Light, what do you think of-"

'Wait,' you thought as you stopped yourself. 'If I ask Light about what he thinks of Kira now, he's most definitely going to give a textbook answer. He's probably going to want to know my thoughts about Kira anyway, so I should let him bring it up first. If I give him a satisfying answer, he'll start trusting me more.'

"-trying something else once in a while?" you asked. "You're always drinking black coffee."

"Because I like black coffee," Light informed you.

You gave him a look of dissatisfaction.

"Okay, fine. I don't think I could imagine you with a parfait or a glass of lemonade," you giggled, earning a sigh from Light.

"(F/N), you've heard of Kira, haven't you?" Light asked.

'Bingo!' you thought, inwardly celebrating.

"Oh yes, of course. It's all over the internet. Everyone is talking about it," you said.

"What do you think of it all?" Light asked you.

You felt your heart skip a beat. You figured that your answer to this question would be of utmost importance. It was like you were playing a visual novel. If you gave the wrong response, it would be an instant game over. However, unlike a game, this was all very real.

"What do I think? Well, I guess...honestly? He's pretty awesome. I mean, certain people should be removed from society for the sake of the common good. Like tumors in a human body, you know? Take out the tumor for the sake of the rest of the body...if you know what I mean."

You tried to read Light's expression, but you were out of luck. It was... unreadable.

"If by the death of one, the lives of many can be spared," you continued, "I don't see a problem. These big bad criminals were just living on taxpayer's money anyway. Through taxes, people's hard-earned money is used to sustain the lives of these bad guys who are in prison. No point in keeping a criminal alive if they're not going to repent, in my opinion at least..."

"...Oh wait..." you stopped yourself from going any further.

"Light you- your dad is the chief of police, isn't he...." you trailed off.

"Just forget about what I just said!" you quickly added, giving your best innocent-sounding laugh.

"Sorry, I can't," Light gave you an apologetic smile. "Keep this between the two of us, alright? You see, I'm with you on this."

'H-He trusts me!' you thought as your face lit up.

"Really?" you said with shock.

Light nodded.

"What kind of person do you think Kira is?" you asked him. "I don't think it's a syndicate or anything like that since the targets all seem to be criminals. Kira seems to have some sort of vision. And how on earth is he giving people heart attacks like that..?" you wondered.

"Who knows." Light answered. "But the police are definitely going to begin investigating this soon."

"Honestly, I think that would be a huge waste of time. I mean sure this Kira guy is killing people illegally and taking the law into his own hands, but he's not doing anything really bad. I think the police should focus on getting the real villains, like murderers, rapists, thieves, and corrupt politicians. Then I suppose when they have too much free time on their hands, they can go and hunt Kira."

Light laughed.

"Oh but, I suppose if the police did their job outstandingly, Kira wouldn't even exist in the first place," you added.

You and Light chuckled.

"You're even better than I thought," Light smiled at you.

"Huh?" you said, confused.

"You abhor school and studying, yet you're the most intelligent girl I know," he said as a matter-of-factly.

"Of course I am!" you exclaimed, smiling smugly.

"Of course I am," you continued in a more serious tone. "My parents are really smart, so I guess it's in my genes. And on top of that, they were really strict on me when I was younger," you explained.

"So that's where your current attitude comes from," Light chuckled, causing you to pout.

'Light,' you thought. 'I know you're not evil, but you might be in the future. I know it's virtually impossible for a human being to stay sane while in possession of something like the Death Note. The temptation is too great for one to handle. That's why I won't leave you alone. I'll be on your side, always. I won't let you destroy yourself.'

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