Chapter 5

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You sat on the couch in your living room. You were dressed in a lovely pinafore dress, and your hair was all braided. You had successfully cornered Light Yagami.

You were looking at your watch. As it struck nine, as if on cue, your phone started to ring.

"Hello?" you said into your phone as you answered the call.

"Good morning, (F/N),"

"Good morning, Light! What's up?"

"I was wondering if you would like to go to Space Land with me today," Light said, getting straight to the point.

'Alright! Just as I planned!' you thought.

"Space Land?!" you exclaimed in excitement. "Definitely!"

"Great. I'll be at at your house in an hour, alright?"

"Alright, see you later, Light!" you said.

The bus jacking. It was the next 'big event'. The weekend after Light notices Raye Penber stalking him, he goes on a date with a girl to Space Land, and sets up a bus jacking to get Penber's name. You needed to ensure that Light invited you on the date, and not anyone else, or you wouldn't get the chance to save Penber.

After bringing up Space Land to Light twice, there was no way he wouldn't bring you. If he took someone else, he would risk you finding out, and being cross at him for going to Space Land without you. You wagered that Light cared for you to at least some extent, or at the very least, he enjoyed your company as a friend.

'I'm scared,' you thought. 'I know what's going to happen today, but I don't know if I'll be able to do anything. I wasn't even able to come up with a plan.'

Suddenly, a glowing ball appeared in front of you out of nowhere. Recognizing the familiar glow, you felt reassured.

"Adiel!" you exclaimed.

The glow disapatted to reveal the tiny fairy-like creature.

"I haven't seen you in a while," you said to her.

"I'm sorry, (F/N), but I can't always appear to you like this," Adiel apologized.

"Oh don't worry, it's alright. But I may be in trouble. Light is going to try and get the name of an innocent FBI agent today so that he can kill him. The agent has been monitoring him, you see. And I'm scared...I don't know if I'll be able to save him."

"Don't worry," Adiel started. "Remember. The future you saw in the anime Death Note, is how the future would turn out without you. You just need to do everything you can do. Just don't ever let your emotions get the better of you, and cloud your reason."

"I'll try..." you trailed off.

"I must go now, (F/N)," said Adiel.

"So soon?"

"Yes. But don't worry, I'm always watching over you. I'll come and help you if you're ever in danger."

"Thank you, Adiel!" you smiled, as Adiel faded away in a glowing ball of light.

Light soon arrived at your house, and the two of you walked to the station together, except it wasn't just the two of you. You could see Ryuk now, and you knew Penber was following Light, so strictly speaking, it was the four of you.

As you arrived at the bus stop, Light took a glance at his watch.

"Five minutes until the bus gets here," he said.

"Wow, I can't believe we're actually going to Space Land! I'm so excited," you giggled. "Thanks so much for taking me, Light!"

You knew that you weren't really going to Space Land, but you wish you were. However, you knew you had an important mission. Amusement parks were the least of your concerns at the moment.

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