Chapter 9

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You were walking with Light and L who were both dressed in tennis clothes and carried tennis gear. You were with Light almost constantly, and you were too when L approached Light and asked him if he wanted to play a game of tennis.

"Hey Ryuga, when you said you wanted to wanted to get to know each other while playing tennis, did you know how good I am?" Light asked.

You rolled your eyes at his cocky attitude.

"Don't worry, Light. I used to be the British junior champion," L replied.

"So you grew up in England?" Light asked.

"I lived in England for about five years. But please relax. It's impossible to find out L's identity from that information alone," he said.

You laughed, earning confused looks from both Light and L.

"So just one set. Whoever wins six games first is the overall winner. Is that all right?" asked L.

"Fine," Light replied.

You gasped in excitement. "I guess that means I can sit in that tall chair for the referee!" you exclaimed in excitement, then ran to the chair and climbed it.

"Be careful, (F/N), don't fall off!" Light called out to you in jest.

"Of course, I'm not a child!" you pouted.

"The two of you are really close, aren't you..." said L.

'Now what could be your intentions saying something like that?' Light thought.

"I suppose we are," Light smiled.

"Alright, are you two ready?!" you called out from the referee's chair.

Both Light and L nodded.

You didn't really know how you were supposed to referee and tennis match, but you supposed it wouldn't be too difficult, after all, you were a pro at Mario Tennis Ace.

"Um...well then," you said to yourself. "Begin!" you called out.

L started off with a powerful service ace.

'Woah. This is so much cooler than the anime!' you thought, admiring the scene before you.

"Hey Ryuga, ever heard of warming up?" said Light.

"He who moves first always wins," L replied.

You chuckled.

"Fifteen love!" you called out.

The team captain of To-oh's tennis club sat on a bench, drinking a can of coffee.

"Captain!" called out a guy who was running towards him. "A couple of freshmen are using the tennis courts."

"People who just joined our tennis team?" the captain inquired.

"No. It's those two. Ryuga Hideki and Light Yagami!"

"Who are they?" the captain asked as he nonchalantly drank his coffee.

"You haven't heard? They're the two guys who  entered with the top scores. They seem to be hanging out together since the entrance ceremony, as well as that beauty, (F/N) (L/N) nobody else is good enough for them or something."

"Well whoever they are, we aren't letting them use our tennis courts without asking," said the captain as he stood up and chugged the remains of his drink.

They headed over to the tennis court.

"Damn, look at this crowd," said the tennis team captain.

"Huh? Nobody was watching when I left three minutes ago," said the other guy.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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