3|wait...HOW MANY?!

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"Yeah kid?"

"Is it just one brother?" I asked hesitantly.

"I believe there's 8." Gerald casually said.

"Haha, very funny Gerald. Tell me the truth" I bluntly spoke.

"I'm not joking, Brie"

There was a strange silence. Something that Gerald is not used to.

"You alri-"

Eight brothers.... How am I... am I going to cope? Boys...scare me. And there's eight of them. What if they're the same as sperm donor? Or worse? How am I going to live with eight boys? What if they're mean?


What if they....do anything to me?

"Earth to Briellaaaa"

What if I annoy them?


I jumped up, my eyes locked with Geralds.

"We're here!" He reassuringly said. "I'm gonna miss you kid"

I instantly pulled Gerald 6'0 figure into a tight hug. "I'll miss you too, no one's going to entertain you crazy cops no more"

He ruffled my hair before letting go of me. He pointed at a beautiful huge ass jet. I walked up the steps to the jet with my tiny bag in my hands, once I reached the top, a nice lady took my bag and greeted me.

"Hello Miss De Luca, welcome abroad!" She smiled.
A small smile pulled on my lips before replying. "What's your name?"
"I'm Amber! I'm your families pilot"

Daaaaamn my brothers got moneeeeey.

She gave me a tour of the jet. The bar, toilet, shower, food and get this, the bedroom. A FUCKING BEDROOM. I jumped on the bed while Amber giggled. She then closed the door and made her way to the cockpit. Hehehehehehe cock.

I got comfortable with cloud like pillows. Took my sleeping meds, and quickly fell asleep.

~3 hours later~

"Miss De Luca, wake upppp"

I tossed and turned before speaking out, "get out of my face you hairy ballbag"

"Excuse me?"

I opened one of my eyes to see Amber looking at me completely confused. I jumped up quickly before apologising. "Oh my g- I'm so sorry!"

Amber laughed, holding her belly, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes. "You're definitely a De Luca, Briella."

What the fuck she mean by that?

"One of your brothers are waiting outside, he's in a matte black Lamborghini" Amber smiled. God, does she always smile?

I shook my head and made my way to the front of the jet, a worker, which name I forgot, handed me a my bag and wished me a good day. Damn, are they all nice?

I walked down the steps with Amber, she pointed to this expensive looking car and my hidden worries started to creep up on me. I quickly walked over to the car, the window was down and some scary man smiled at me.

"Briella? Did I say your name right?" He asked, still smiling. All these smiley bastards are scaring me now.

"Which one are you?" I ignored his question. He just chuckled to himself, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm Leo, aka, the best!"

I silently giggled to myself before he jumped out of his car. "Where's the rest of your bags?" He asked, I literally thought he was joking not gonna lie. "That's it" I replied.

He looked at me with disbelief all over him. He then grabbed the bag and put it in the back seat. He opened the passenger side for me, which I thought was nice, I was going to sit in the back but now, I guess I'm sitting with him...

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