5| Nicknames

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"Thanks..... what's your name?" I asked the scary muscle man.

He chuckled before answering, "I'm Marco, your guardian" he then went back into his seat.
He had beautiful wavy black hair but slicked back, a very fancy suit on him, around 6'5 . Damn are all my brothers giants what the fuck. He had tattoos on his hands, he probably has more that I can't see.

Leo started telling me who's who. I'm not using their stupid names, I'm giving them easier names.

"So this is Marco, the boss. This is Rocco, he's... something else. Damon, the first of the triplets, Ian, the second triplet. I'm the third triplet. And you already met the rest" Leo explained. I just nodded my head to them, trying to avoid eye contact

Rocco has a reassuring smile, bright blue eyes like mine and dark hair. 6'4 and had little knuckle tattoos.
Damon is a fucking terrifying. Green eyes, almost the color of the trees in the summertime. Damon has a darkish aura around him, making him even more intimidating.

"Alright let me just give you all nicknames. Marco is now Marc, Rocco is now Coco, Damon is now demon, Leo is lion, Alejandro is drodro, Beckham is ham...just makes sense, Bruno is Big B and lastly, Ian is whore. Since you called me one."

"YOU CALLED HER WHAT?!?" The brothers screamed.
Damn these guys are in sync.
Rocco cut everyone off, "so why am I Coco?"

"Shut the fuck up Rocco, Ian I want you in my office right now" Marc sternly said. It gave me a bit of an uneasy feeling.

-trigger warning-

"So your teacher called... I want to see you in my room right now"
"Dad, the boy pulled my hair, I was defending myself"
Dad then grabbed me by my hair and trailed me into his bedroom
"Like this?! You're nothing but a little whore and everyone knows it"
He then got one of his empty bottle of beer and smashed it on my head, blood started dripping down my forehead.
"Lie down, NOW!"

-flashback over-

"Brie??? Everything okay?" Beckham asked,placing his hand on shoulder.
"Y-yes sorry" I whispered.
I could see that everyone was concerned, I just shook my head and continued eating, playing with the food on my plate.

"Do you not like chicken?" Bruno silently asked.

"Oh I do, I'm just not use- I'm just not hungry" I quickly replied.

He seemed to be skeptical of my answer but hopefully he just brushed it off. Marco and Ian walked into the room once again. Ian stopped beside me and whispered, "I'm really sorry Briella, I'll make it up to you" he also tapped my shoulder. I bit down on my lip trying to hide the pain.

Everyone started going into their own conversations, I felt so out of place. Like a blind person in a room full of visual people. "I'm finished, thank you for the food. I'm going to go to bed" I stated.

"You haven't ate much, are you alright?" Marc asked.

"I'm fine, just tired" and I ran to my room, sonic fucking speed I'm telling ya.

I ran to my bathroom, took my hoodie off. I checked my wounds, especially the one of my shoulder.

-trigger warning-

"Please don't use the knife again please!"
"It's the only way you listen, you stupid bitch"
He then slowly stuck the knife in my neck, all the way down to my shoulder.
I screamed in unimaginable pain.
"Shut the fuck up!"
"Please dad please!"

-flashback over-

"You alright in there Briella?"  Ian asked from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be out in a second!"

I quickly covered my scars and bruises with my hoodie and unlocked the door. Ian was sitting on my bed, making himself at home.

"Are you okay? You didn't eat much. I hope it's not what I said, I'm really sorry" he began.

"Ian it's okay don't worry, I'm just not hungry" I stated, he certainly didn't believe me but he just nodded.

I sat down beside him but I kept my distance. He moved over a bit, which made me flinch...

Oh god, hopefully he didn't see oh god pleaseee-

"I- are you really okay?" He asked once again

Damn he's really looking right through me, stop it you bitch.

"Yeah yeah don't worry!"
Change the subject
Change the subject
Change the subject

"I'm gonna call you... ianny boy" I bluntly voiced.

"Ianny boy?"

"Ianny boy" I replied with a huge grin on my face. Ian just chuckled at me before grabbing a bag of chips out of his hoodie.

"So *munch munch* do you *munch munch* like the bee movie?"

What....the fuck.

"Um yeah, of course. One of the best movies ever" I answered with a smug look on my face. Ian smirked back and turned on Netflix, picking the bee movie before lying down.

It was only 6:30 but I was absolutely shattered. My eyes could barely stay open and I found myself drifting off into sleep...

-trigger warning-

"Stay still, it'll make it easier"
"No...please don't do this"
"Stay. Still."

-flashback over-


Ian jumped up, he quickly held my hand. "Briella, are you okay?"

I couldn't even answer, it felt as if I was still dreaming. All I could do is nod .

"I'll go get the rest of the brothers" Ian spoke.

"NO! Don't!" I shouted. "Don't tell anyone about this... please"

Ian looked at me, conflicted with what to do.

"I just forgot to take my meds, I just get nightmares, it's nothing" I tried to reassure him. Ian bit down on his lip before pulling me into a hug. "I'll go get you water, okay?"

I smiled in response before taking out my pills. I took a deep breath in... I've already fucked this up, haven't I?

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