4| Introduction

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Okay, I officially like Leo

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Okay, I officially like Leo. He bombarded me with his zodiac sign AND his name.
"So now, I just say, hey I'm Leo and I'm a Leo" he continued on his zodiac rant.
"What's your zodiac sign, Brie Brie?" Leo asked.
I slowly turned my head to him, "Brie Brie?" I asked.
"Um, yeah! That's your nickname, silly goose" He chuckled .
"I'm an Aries, Lion" I quickly replied.
Now it was his turn to slowly move his head to me. "Lion?"
"OOOOOOOooooh so I get a nickname but I can't do the same to you?" I jokingly questioned. Leo brightly smiled at me, showing of his white teeth.
"You, young lady, just made my day"

~15 minutes later~

"Are you ready Brie Brie?" Leo asked with a happy smile.
I just nodded my head and smiled back. I didn't want to show my worries.
First of all, I'll be living in a mansion, A FUCKING MANSION.
Second of all, I'm scared.
Third of all, I am fucking aching from the injuries I endured during my time with the sperm donor.

Leo opened the door to reveal an unbelievably beautiful foyer. A dark royal green with a lovely cream color , complimenting each other on the walls.
I stopped in my tracks, amazed by the view, Leo chuckled at my antics before signalling me to the living room.

We walked into this massive gold living room, three men sitting on the couch.
"Yo! Fuckfaces! We're back!" Leo shouted, I slightly jumped by the noise difference.
The three men then turned around, looking like they were about to jump Leo. But then they noticed me.... and their whole demeanour changed.

Three men, all about the same height which I'm guessing is 6'3. God I'm scared.

"Is that .... her?"

"Oh my god she looks like me"

"Leo, Jesus Christ did you bring another whore back."

Everyone stopped in their tracks when ....let's call him, big foot, spoke. "Are you fucking serious? That's our sister!" Mister green eyes said.

Leo then turned around to me. "Let me introduce these buttholes to you"

"That's Bruno, he's annoying as fuck. He's nice though...unlike someone"
Bruno, 6'3, green eyes, dark hair, kind eyes...huh. This might not be bad.
"That's Ian, the one who called you a whore. Don't mind him, he's an asshole"
Ian, also 6'3, hazel eyes, super scary, absolutely covered in tattoos.
"And that's Alejandro, he smells"
Alejandro, 6'2, blue eyes, almost identical to me...

I stood there like a deer in headlights, trying to find words to phrase the feeling going on inside me.

"Hi....can you show me my room?" I asked Leo, I don't want to be rude but this was all so overwhelming. "Uhhh sure!" Leo smiled. I heard other footsteps follow us, my nerves were getting the best of me.

As we walked up the stairs, which were huge by the way, I couldn't help but be amazed by the stunning hall. Dark blue covered the walls, little family portraits all over.
We stood at the door of "my room" Bruno, Alejandro and Leo were acting like little children getting new toys.

"We can change the color, we hope you like it!" Alejandro explained. I smiled back at him before opening the door. Holy shit.

"HOLY SHIT THIS IS MASSIVE OMG THATS MY BED OH MY WTF I HAVE A BATHROOM!" I screamed. I heard the chuckles and giggles but I couldn't even listen, I was so excited. I turned to three of the guys. Leo,Alejandro and Bruno. I smiled so bright, the brightest I've smiled in years and I could see that I melted their hearts.

"You can meet the rest at dinner, I hope what Ian said didn't upset you" Bruno said. I reassured him that it was fine before checking out my cool frickin bathroom and walk in clo- wait a damn minute.


"Okay, she's officially my favorite" Bruno whispered, earning a whack on the head by Leo.

~3 hours later, 5:30 pm~

We left Brie Brie in her room to settle down around two hours ago

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We left Brie Brie in her room to settle down around two hours ago. I'm so pleased she like the sage green color we placed in her room. I love her so much already. She's my favorite sibling. I'm nervous that she won't like the rest of our brothers. They're just.... not the nicest at times.


"Hey Bruno" I called out. "Go get Briella"

I walked into the dining room. Ian, Alejandro,Beckham, Rocco and Damon was already there. Marco, Briella and Bruno just weren't there yet.

"Where's Marco?" I asked Rocco.
"He's coming now, he's out in his car. Is she here?"
I smiled to Rocco, "yep, she's here. I think she's nervous Rocco. I noticed a few bruises on her arm but she's trying to hide them."

Before Rocco could reply, Marco stormed in. Same old cold expression on his face. He sat down on his usual chair, hands on his head. Then came Bruno wobbling down with Brie behind him.

"EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" Bruno screamed, getting all of our attention.
"Briella, this is the rest of the shitheads. Shitheads, meet Briella."

I turned to look at Marco and I swear, I've never seen him so happy. He immediately stood up.

"Um... hi" Briella quietly answered. The look of worry covered her frame.

"Briella," Marco grinned, "Welcome home."

Authors note:

It's getting exciting :)))))

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