57| Mama

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Okay "bottle of advil by Julia wolf" for this one laddos, I cried my eyeballs out.

Okay "bottle of advil by Julia wolf" for this one laddos, I cried my eyeballs out

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~17 years ago~

I woke up to the sound of my baby girl crying, I hurried to her little nursery, her beautiful blue eyes glared at me.

"Oh baby Brie, what's wrong?" I asked her. She smiled once I spoke, making my love grow for her.

"Look at that hair! You're growing everyday!" I softly spoke, sitting down on the chair to feed her. I used to breastfeed but now I just pump and give her a bottle, she's adjusted pretty well. Her sky blue eyes looked up at me, her little hand was placed on mine while I fed her. Then, my little Marco came in.

"Hi mama, is she awake?" He whispered. I nodded, he stepped forward to see her. The way he loves her makes me so unimaginably happy. He's always asking to hold her but I'm too afraid that he might drop her. So I make him sit down, I stuff pillows under his arms and place Brie in his arms.

Roc loves her so much too, he tries to make her smile which is adorable! Damon, Leo and Ian are quite wary around her, they're afraid that they "break" her. Alejandro, Bruno and Beckham are too young to understand though, but their eyes light up when they see her.

Jason on the other hand, hasn't adjusted at all. He leaves and fucks other women, pretending that he's "working" which is pathetic. I've got eight kids here and he doesn't even lift a fucking finger. I might chop his balls off. Just for some entertainment.

We do have workers here though, they have been wonderful. Marie helps me with the triplets, Layla helps me with the school runs and my sister, Fiona, helps me with Alejandro, Beckham, Bruno and Brie. I couldn't do this without her.

When we left Ireland, I didn't know how to cope, I was only 12 at the time! Mamaí didn't know how to help me, daidí tried getting me an "emotion" book. Which was thoughtful of them, I really appreciate them but my older sister helped me the most. She made our new house a home. She made my room the exact same. I will love her until the day I die.
(Mamaí daidí is mom and dad)

Once Briella was finished her bottle, I got her changed into a cute little summer dress.

Marco picked it!

Today, we're going to see Karima Zaid, she's bringing her kids over today! Her kids are wonderful, they are so thoughtful and caring. I love that my kids have friends because in this business, you make more enemies.

Marco went to go get some breakfast, I put Briella in a bouncer so I could brush my teeth. Before I could leave the nursery, I bumped into an angry Jason.

Let's hope my kids don't have my clumsiness

I completely ignored him, I've become numb to his games. I went to walk out but Jason grabbed me by my wrist and threw me to the floor. He pulled out a gun, putting a silencer on.

"Don't scream or I will kill the kids" he evilly smirked, pulling the trigger. The last thing I saw was my baby. My beautiful baby girl. Before I took my final breath, I prayed to all of the gods and goddesses, to the universe, to anyone listening. I prayed that my children will be protected and strong. I prayed that they will take care of Briella, that they will be there for each other. I hope they know how much I love them, I'll always be with them.

My prayers came true.

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