Chapter 9

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He's standing over me shouting in my face, "You're a useless piece of shit, ugly bitch you're lucky I put up with you because nobody else will". I look up at him he's drunk you can see it in his eyes plus his temper gets so much worse after a drink.

I try to move past him but he pushes me back against the wall holding me there with his hand around my throat. I start panicking as his hand tightens and I start seeing spots, I try to fight him and he finally let's go. I think he's walking away when he turns about and punches me in the stomach and I fall to the floor.

I see his body retreating as tears fall down my face.

I bolt upright in my bed it was a dream or more of a memory, I'm fine he's not here and he won't be here ever. I stand up and go to the bathroom washing my face and walk to the living room sitting in front of the window again until I fall asleep.

I am awoken by Theo is standing over me. Oh, shit I'm in the living room I stand up slowly my back is killing me I slept on the floor. I stand up and stretch and smile like nothing is wrong. I look at my phone and rush to my room it's not long before Theo leaves. I take a quick 5-minute shower throw some clothes on and walk into the kitchen. Theo is still looking at me like I'm an alien but he doesn't say anything. After 10 minutes he announces he's leaving.

It's been a few weeks working for Theo and me and Cooper have a good routine now he started walking and Theo was so happy about it, it was adorable on both parts we were both there when it happened and I felt such pride for him. Theo keeps his distance and Riley and Ben pop by every other day. It's Thursday night now and my last night of looking after Cooper before I go to my bar job tomorrow. Ben and Riley came over and insisted seen as Theo is working late we have a movie night. I agreed because what else am I going to do hide in my room whilst Cooper sleeps, if I'm honest that is exactly what I want to do but they put so much effort in with me I don't want to seem ungrateful.

Freya and Matt have been in touch a little but they seem in the honeymoon period of their relationship and don't really have time for me which I'm okay with I'm just glad they are happy.

I'm sat on the very large sofa with Ben and Riley I convinced them into watching a horror movie and neither of them looked thrilled but I got my way. They brought snacks and I had my own snacks.

Riley was sat stretched out on one side of the couch Ben was in the middle but as the movie went on he kept moving closing to me and I was on the other side of the sofa from Riley. We are about halfway through the movie when Theo walks in and looks at us he grabs a beer from the fridge and comes to join us.

He sees Ben practically laying on me and tells him to move, taking Bens' seat next to me. He asked Ben and Riley why a horror film and they both pointed to me with annoyed looks and I just smile and shrug.

I see Theo looking at me out of the corner of my eye whilst I focus on the movie. After a while, I look over at Ben and Riley and they are asleep on each other. Theo is still nursing his beer and watching the movie. I start to shuffle uncomfortably as I move position I bump into Theo. I look at him "I'm really sorry" I say and he starts speaking "You can get comfortable I don't want you sleeping on the floor again". I nod and finish the movie.

When it is finished I put a blanket over Riley and Ben, I look over to Theo and say night, and go to bed.

I look in the mirror the next day after I end up looking after Cooper most of the day because Claire couldn't. She's here now so I'm getting ready for work wearing my hair up in a ponytail, putting on my inform with my converse I walk out of my room, and Claire and Theo are in the kitchen as always.

"Thank you so much for today Mia, I'm just so sorry you're going to be so tired now you've had to look after Cooper". She says to me.

"Don't worry it was no bother, I'm not sure what time I'll be in I got a message about me closing tonight. I'll be quiet when I get in". I reply.

I walk out the door not particularly happy about closing but it's my job. The bar is so busy when I get there I hug Matty and see Freya I've barely seen her and it's only been a few weeks but I miss her so much.

She spends most of the time at the bar talking to me between me serving and finally it's come around to 5 am and I am sooooo tired. The bar is mostly clean when I lock up it's someone else problem for tomorrow now.

I end up getting a taxi home I am barely standing up when I walk into Theos. As I stumble in I see him sitting on the sofa, he turns to me "Are you okay? I wasn't expecting you to work so long" he says.

"I'm sorry it was a busy night it looks like I might be home later tomorrow" I sigh so tired from the work I collapse on the sofa curling up.

"Did you get a taxi home? You didn't walk, did you?" He said as he looked at me.

"Yeah, I got a taxi" I mumble. That's the last I remember until I woke up with the sound of people's voices the next morning.

Theo whispering "Let her sleep she got in really late last night". I hear Ben groan "But I want to talk to her, find out more about this bar. Maybe one day you can get Claire to babysit and we can all go out".

I fall back to sleep and wake up at about 1 pm. Everyone is sitting in the kitchen as I awkwardly wake up and I go for a shower the peach scent of the shampoo is making me so happy today. When I finish I towel dry my hair leaving it a bit wet and put on an extra-large hoodie that goes down to my knees. I walk into the kitchen now I'm refreshed and smile at everyone. I try to reach the bowls in the cupboard but they seem further back than before. I'm stretching up to reach and I feel my hoodie coming further up my legs, I'm wearing shorts underneath but I feel my cheeks reddening with embarrassment as the shorts are really short.

I hear Ben say to Theo "How have you not made a move on that perfection in your kitchen?". Theo, I presume hit Ben as I heard a slap and a grunt when I feel someone behind me reaching to get the bowl. I stop stretching and turn around. Theo is standing directly in front of me barely any room between us when he puts the bowl down on the side behind me and whispers "There you go peach" and he walks back to his seat.

I stand shocked but start moving because I have 3 pairs of eyes on me and get myself some cheerios. Sitting down at the island I start eating whilst the guys start talking about going out soon.

A few weeks have passed where it's been the routine of looking after Cooper and working at the bar. I'm not going to lie I'm getting tired of doing both now. Theo is either rude to me or weirdly nice and I don't get it.

I ask Jerry if I can have a weekend off soon as I'm burnt out and he agreed. So, all I have to do is get through this next week of working for Theo then I've got 2 glorious days off doing absolutely nothing.

The week goes quite smoothly Theos has been spending more time with Cooper which is nice to see. He seems stressed with work though he comes home and he's still on the phone there is shouting coming from his office and occasional snapping at me which either Riley, Ben, or Claire slap him for.

Thursday wasn't a good day though I was reading to Cooper when he comes in and takes him to his crib. He then pulls me into the kitchen asking who Ryan is.

I stand there shocked; how does he know Ryan? Is he here? Does he know where I am? "Ryan is my ex from back home, how do you know him?" I say nervously.

"The background check I did on you involved people who you were involved with too I don't know his past but I've just been informed he has been arrested," he said calmly.

"Oh well, I don't know anything about that I have no contact with him anymore," I say.

He seems to visibility calm down and says that he, Ben, and Riley are going out Saturday night and Ben hasn't stopped banging on about going to CLOCKWORK and Ben wants me to join them.

"What about Cooper though don't you need me to look after him if everyone's going out?" I say.

He looked at me smiling I think this was the first time I saw a genuine smile and said: "Claire is looking after him at her place you don't need to worry about Cooper, plus it's your weekend off no work at all".

I smile and reluctantly agree to go because Ben really wants me to come, so it is decided I am going out on Saturday night.

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