Chapter 19

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My body was on fire when I woke up, feeling pain from the bruises on my upper arms and side not to mention the banging headache I had from the alcohol.

After grabbing a shower and brushing my teeth I stare at my half naked body the bruises are a dark purple a strong contrast from my pale skin.

Tonight, was the event I needed to attend the one thing I was happy about was seeing Cooper, I've noticed Theo keeping him away from me.

I dry my hair and curl it to make it presentable for tonight. Claire had given me the address when she to me about it with strict orders to turn up at 4pm.

I had to wear something which covered the bruises. Picking out a nice floral flowy blouse with some smart black skinny fitting pants and some heels I order a taxi hoping I could slip out early from the event.

Arriving at the house I'm feeling intimidated I knew Theo was rich but this house is more like a mansion plus the only people I'm going to know in there hate me.

The place is pretty full with people when I walk in apparently this is an event that Theos mom puts on every year to show her appreciation to everyone.

Everybody here was dressed up most had some alcohol in their hands. Sighing I walk in and make my way to the bar area.

Looking at the bar tender "Can I have a still water please?" Nodding he poured a bottled of water into a whiskey glass with ice.

Noise was buzzing around the mansion people chatting to each other. I see a tall elegant looking woman make her way around the room speaking to people I presume this is Theos mom, I haven't seen the guys yet and I didn't want to I just wanted to slip out without being noticed.

After around 20 mins of aimlessly walking around avoiding conversation I hear my name being shouted.

"Mia I mwissed you" Cooper comes running over jumping into my arms.

"I missed you too little man" smiling at him holding him on my hip.

I didn't notice anyone watching until Theos mom approached.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs ..." hoping she won't shut me down straight away.

"You must be Mia, its lovely to finally meet you I've heard a lot about you"

I couldn't help my shocked response "Really?"

"Of course, dear, come sit with me" she patted the sofa as she sat down.

"I'm glad you came into my boy's life, over the last few months it's the happiest he's been; however, I had noticed a drastic change in that behaviour I presume something has happened" gazing at me waiting for a response.

I nodded looking down "People sometimes see an individual the way other people paint a picture of them which isn't always the truth".

"And this has happened to you recently which has caused Theo to look at you differently" all I could do was nod, I couldn't have this conversation with his mom.

"Mia dear" looking up I wait for her to continue "What happened to your cheek?" My automatic reaction kicked in, I didn't realise it was noticeable I'd covered it before I left. "Oh, I just fell" trying to cover it up with my hand as if it would disappear.

"Mia I" before she could continue she was cut off by a furious Theo "What are you doing here?".

Before I could respond his mom answered him " I invited her" she said with such confidence whilst I was trembling.

At this point Theos mom called for Claire to take Cooper home to bed. When he was safely away Theo stormed towards me " Get out, leave my apartment your fired this is the last time you'll see Cooper. Stay away from my family" my heart crumpled Ryan had officially taken everything from me.

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