11. Rules (Edited)

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Here I'm sitting in the office which is on third floor with Dad and my brothers except twins.

I'm really nervous that my legs are shaking.

Suddenly a hand came down to my thighs to stop them from shaking but Iwas startled. I looked up and saw Ethan. He gave me a reassuring smile.

Dad cleared his throat after looking at some papers and now he was looking at me.

"Liz, don't be scared. These are just basic household rules which I'm sure you also would have followed in your previous home." Dad said.

I almost laughed when he joined basic rules with my previous home. They were not rules, they were punishments.

I nodded and looked down.

"This is one of the rules. You have to look in the eyes when we're talking. Never be scared if you're correct and submit to wrong ones. Never lower your head if you're right. Okay?" Dad said.

I nodded and looked in his eyes.

"This is also one of the rules that we all expect verbal answers from you. No nodding and shaking your head. Okay?" He again said

I nodded again and immediately realised my mistake when he raised his one eyebrow amusingly.

I hurriedly said "clear"

He then proceeded to tell rules.

"Respect is received when you respect them so it's basic that you'll respect us all and we'll respect you"

I just said small okay.

"You'll study hard. I have seen your previous records and I'm quite impressed."

I said a small okay and thank you.

"You're allowed to make boys friend but no boyfriend."

Before I could say anything, Dustin said "No, she's not allowed to make boys even friends"

He was acting possessive.

"What if there's some group projects?" I said and looked at Ryan, Dad and Ethan questioningly.

Dad nodded and said "That's why I allowed you to make them friends and I'm serious Liz, No Boyfriend"

He also gave a look to Dustin daring him to oppose but he kept quiet.

I said "okay" reassuringly.

"Next, no drugs,alcohol and cursing words and no parties without mine or incase I'm not here then Ryan's and Ethan's permission." Dad said.

I looked at my brothers and again said okay.

"If you'll go out of the house, then you've to inform someone. We're not stopping you from going anywhere, it's just for your safety." Dad said.

"I understand sir" I said and immediately regretted. His face fell and my brothers' face also. I looked down and looked up remembering the rule.

"Liz, you don't have to address us formally, please." Dad said.

"I'm sorry I... It's jus...just a habit." I said stuttering and avoided eye contact.

"Look at me Liz" He demanded.

I looked up and saw his eyes we're looking at me lovingly.

"You're my daughter and I won't question you now on what you meant by habit. No further argument on this and you don't have to call us formally. Okay?"

"Okay D...dad." I said and looked at his reaction. He was so happy and my brothers were too also relieved.

"Good, now is the most important. You can't go to basement and come here on third floor alone without anyone of your brother or me. It's just where we do our business. I hope you understand."

"Yes, I understand dad." This time I didn't stutter and dad also looked pleased.

"Also, I have seen you have very poor appetite. I don't want to force you into eating but I need you to fix it." He said.

"I'll try my best." I said.

"And how's your ankle? I saw you're still limping."

"It's be..better n..now. It'll be ok..okay in two-thr..three da..days." I said scared that he'll again suggest to take Noah's help.

"Liz also no one here tolerates lies and I hope you know we've let you off hook many times but don't think we buy your lies." Ryan said seriously this time.

My face paled and I again avoided eye contact but didn't looked down.

"Listen we're just waiting for you to open up to us and be comfortable but I know there's something big you're hiding from us and I totally understand that it's a new environment for you. But don't think we won't find out that secret of yours." Ryan said seriously.

Thay all were observing me and I know I looked scared right now and I just confirmed their suspicion.

I looked at dad and ny other brothers and they were also serious.

Tears formed in my eyes and I immediately blinked them away.

I didn't say anything and atmosphere was so tense. Luckily Ethan broke this tense environment for which I'm thankful to him.

"Okay okay guys, let's not scare her and Liz get ready. You, me, Dustin and Noah are going for the shopping. Twins will join us there later."

I said a small thank you and asked if I could leave and get ready. Dad permitted and without making eye contact with Ryan, Dustin and Noah, I proceeded to go out.

My foot was hurting along with my back.

I decided to take pain killers since I already ate my breakfast and get ready for the shopping.

I reached my room, took pain killer and sat on the bed.

They all knew I was lying. Ryan said he'll find my secret but I can't afford this to happen. They'll throw me away. I have to be carefull and have to endure the pain in front of them and avoid limping around them.

I stood up and took a bath and got ready for the shopping trip which I'm feeling will not be simple and that something is going to happen.

I hope my feelings are wrong.

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