16. Exposed (Edited)

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All are now presently eating breakfast.

Dad and eldest ones are engaged in their conversation. Dustin and Noah are talking about something but i can't hear them. And twins are talking about the basketball challenge between me and Dustin, and me... I'm just thinking about the consequences of the conversation that is going to be held after breakfast.

"Are you good in something else too like you earlier told about the basketball? " Tyler asked me.

I came out of my train of thoughts and pondered before replied, "Well, I'm quite good at basketball as I told. I love reading. I can sing pretty well and i really want to learn piano so i can sing and play simultaneously."

I smiled a little and this maybe was the first time i was talking so openly but i can't blame anyone since I'm quite comfortable with the twins. And while I was talking I didn't notice that everyone's eyes were on me.

"Ohh.. Dustin also loves pian-" Taylor was cut off by Dustin glaring at him. He smiled awkwardly.

I just passed a small smile ignoring the clench in my heart at the thought that Dustin wants nothing with me.

Breakfast came to end pretty soon and we were all assembling in the living room for the 'talk'

I tried my best to ignore the weird feeling arising in my heart like something is going to happen.

I was sitting on the couch with Ethan on one side and Dad on other side. Ryan and Noah were sitting opposite of me probably to detect if I'm lying or not. Twins were standing near the couch and Dustin was at the entrance leaning against the wall not far from us.

My anxiety was increasing. They all wanted to know my story, my truth. They knew I was lying from the starting but decided not to push.

This time i decided to try to face it bravely. If they want to throw me Or abandon me then it's better if it's fast so I don't get any false hope.

Dad started, " Liz, please we know you're hiding something. I know you're not comfortable but what happened yesterday was not normal and it can be dangerous for you also. We want to know everything so we can help you. "

"I don't trust anyone yet to explain my problem to anyone. Some might want to welcome me but i myself don't think I'm welcomed. I can't just trust you all and then suffer when I know that you all will abandon me again. I know you all don't appreciate my presence here but please don't act in front of me. You all won't hesitate again to abandon me if you'll get a chance. " I said this. Finally. Looking down with tears in my eyes.

Everyone were silent and when I looked up they all were stunned.

I don't want to be here. This place is scaring me. I feel like all these stares will swallow me. Everything is turning black. It's slowly clouding my vision. I need to leave or I'll have another panic attack.

This whole situation right now is scaring me. I want to run to my room. I can't stay here.

"I..I'm g..going to my r..room." I stuttered suddenly aware that I just kind of disrespected dad. I quickly stood up not waiting for anyone to answer and was about to go when Ethan tried to stop me and pulled the sleeves of my hoodie a little. As I was about to go from other side than where Ethan was sitting so my sleeves were pulled up and I didn't realise anything until both Noah and Ethan gasped.

I looked at them and and the source of their gasps.




Everything's OVER

I quickly snatched my sleeves from Ethan's hand and pulled my sleeves down. From the view I guess Dad was not able to see. Ryan stood up and hurriedly came towards me when me being me I tried to run with my bruised ankle.

Ethan was too stunned to stop me and now all were standing. I almost made to the door but stopped abruptly seeing Dustin. In the mean time Ryan caught me by my arm. Dad also appeared on my side and now all were encircling me near the entrance.

Ryan was holding my arm and with other arm he was ready to pull the sleeve up again. I immediately held his hand.

"Please please do..don't" I tried to convince him with my eyes. My eyes we're again filled with new set of tears.

Ryan looked at me like studying me and pulled my sleeves up. I lowered my head not wanting to see the hatred and disgust. Gasps were heard.

"Oh Lord" Dad said astonished.
"Oh f**k" Twins said together.
"What the Hell" Dustin yelled.
"Holy shit" Noah said.
Ethan and Ryan were quite.

My arm was filled with some fading bruises and 2 burns.

Dustin suddenly jerked me by my arm and I cried and flinched. He pulled my other sleeve up.

And here it goes.

Gasps were heard again.

My this arm was also filled with fading bruises and 3 cuts.

Profanities left from everyone's mouth. I was now hyperventilating.
Jerking my arms off from both the men I stepped back and pulled my sleeves down. Tears were flowing continuously from my eyes.

I was having a panic attack. I suddenly couldn't breathe. I kneeled keeping my hands on my ears while rocking myself.

Dad came to me and helped me up and took me to the couch. Noah was trying to help me along with Ethan. Dad hugged me and after what felt like hours I calmed a little and was able to breathe again.

I was still crying.

"What the Hell was that! " Dustin suddenly yelled. I flinched again and sobbed.

"Stop it Dustin" Dad scolded.

I broke the hug and was looking down. Noah left my side and went somewhere. I was trying to control my breathing and everyone were silent probably in shock.

Noah came back with what looked like a suitcase. He came and sat next to me and opened the suitcase. It was filled with medical supplies.

Before Noah can treat my arms, Ryan again came to me and kneeled in front of me and raised my leg in his lap.



Before he could remove my shoes I pleaded him again.

"No...please don't" I put my hand on top of his to stop him but he was silent and looked at me for few seconds and took my shoe off and raised my sweats to get a better access.

Again everyone gasped.

"God Liz" Ethan murmured.
" What have you been through sweety" Dad muttered.

Dustin was very angry along with Noah. Twins were stunned. Ryan observed it for seconds and looked up.
His jaw was clenched showing anger but in his eyes I noticed affection.

"We want the truth now Eliza" Ryan said firmly.

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