40. The Ball (Edited)

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The Ball was in one week and Dad told me today a designer will come to get my measurements so he can prepare my gown for the ball night.

It was sort of, no, it was very strange. I have never worn a gown and someone was coming to take my measurements.

2-3 hours later, I was in my room completing my homework as it was weekend when I heard 2 knocks on my door.

I scrambled from my desk and went to open the door. I was greeted by Ethan and two strangers. One was man around the age of maybe 40 and the other was a girl and looked like his assistant.

"Is this her?" The man asked Ethan gaping at me.

"Yes this is my sister" Ethan answered proudly.

I smiled at them and greeted them by bowing.

The man hugged me gently.

"It's so good to know that one Valentino has etiquettes." He joked after parting.

I laughed along with the assistant girl.

Ethan grumbled annoyingly.

"God Bless you child" The man whose name I still don't know said to me. He was looking at me like I'm his own daughter.

"Hi I'm Elisa Valentino." I introduced.

"I know Elisa. I'm Edward Jones but you can call me Eddy. And this is my assistant Sora."

Sora waved at me and i returned the gesture with a smile.

"We're here to take your measurements so we can make you the prettiest in the birthday party of some other dude." He said beaming at me.

"Please come in"

It took 15 min for the measurements and then came the time to choose the kind of design I wanted. They had the whole booklet on types of gowns with all the  different sort of colors.

It was really difficult to select having so many cool designs and colors.

It took me around half an hour on going over all the details. They were also going to provide me with footwear according to the dress.

They both were friendly and Edward I guess was a family friend although Ethan was with me the whole time knowing I don't get comfortable around strangers fast.

Time Skip

It was the day before the ball. It was in the evening tomorrow. My dress has arrived and I tried all the fittings and it was perfect. I thanked Edward and Sora.

It was all packed since I was going to get ready at the place where ball was going to held.

Next morning we all are heading to airport. I didn't know we were going to fly somewhere else.

Upon asking they said it's a surprise on where we are going.

I held Twin's hands while taking off and while landing as it was still a little odd and terrifying for me.

Cars were already ready when we arrived. Lots of guards were there. We were escorted to our destination.

It was already 2 in the afternoon and Dad told me that artist will be there to get me ready. We arrived at our destination and my dress was already in my assigned room. the room was huge. Other's room were right next to mine.

I got a call. It was from Ryan.

'Come to Dad's room. We are here to have some lunch.'

"Coming in 2 minutes"

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