17. Truth Untold ( Edited)

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I'm sitting on the couch with dad, Ethan and Noah beside me and Ryan is kneeling in front of me.
They all are waiting for one thing. It will expose me. It will make them throw me out of the house.


They all are waiting for me to speak up. Tears are welled up in my eyes but i can't be weak. If they want to throw me out after listening my past then I'll not cry. I can handle myself. I'm 17 years old and I worked to earn and I can that now too. I won't let them pity me.

I looked at them once again and looked down and sighed. Dad placed his hands on mine and squeezed it encouraging me. I took a deep breath and looked at them.

"It was my 13th birthday when my aunt died. She went out to buy a gift for me but never came back. She was met with an accident. She was the sweetest person I have ever known. She always protected me from Mike and Samuel."

They looked at me in confusion.

" Oh they are my umm... Like u-uncle and bro..brother."

I looked at them and they were kind of angry.
"Continue" Ryan said gruffly.

I can't back out now. It's now or never. I looked down and sighed.

"When aunt died it was when everything in my life turned upside down. Mike and Sam blamed me for her death and it's not something I could deny because I also think I killed her. They started with abusive words and occasional slaps and pushes but soon it turned to beatings."

By this I couldn't even lift my head to see their reaction but by the thickness in the air I could feel goosebumps. Dad's hand tighten on the hands.

I closed my eyes and continued.

"I woke early in the morning, made their breakfast and got beatings. Went to school after hiding bruises under makeup. Then worked at cafe after school to earn and get myself personal items secretly and rest of the money was to be given to them unless I want extra beatings. Then came back home. Made them dinner and if I was lucky sometimes I could make back to my room which was no less then a store room. If I made back before they come then I was spared but most of the time they came early and would beat me making me regret being born or even breathing."

By now I was crying.

Dad pulled me in his embrace and Ethan rubbed his hand on my back and I couldn't help but hiss. My eyes we're closed. I can't look them in their eyes.

Dad immediately released me and Ethan took his hand back.
My face was down. Ryan turned my face towards him and told me to look at him.

I opened my eyes which were filled with tears and looked at him. He was furious but tried to remain calm in front of me.

"Are you hurt anywhere else other than arms and ankle? " He asked and his voice was on edge.

I looked down and nodded.

"Can you show us sweety so Noah can treat you? " Ethan spoke this time.

I nodded and slowly lifted my shirt fully from back and in front just below my breasts.

"Holy F**k" Ethan who was now standing stumbled back a little.

Dad froze and Noah's eyes we're wide open. Since Ryan was in front of me, he only got a look of my stomach and ribs which were blue and purple. My back was filled with whip marks. Dustin and twins were behind me but by the silence I received, they were also shocked.

Suddenly a vase which was somewhere in the corner of the living room was thrown and it smashed into pieces. From the anger and followed by curses, i knew it was Dustin.
I flinched.

"I'll fucking kill them." Noah yelled.

I was now crying hysterically. Ryan stood and walked to side a little to observe my back and for a few seconds I saw shock. He let his mask of emotionless face slip. But just for a few seconds and it was now replaced with furious gaze. I pulled my shirt down.

My hands were covering my face and I was crying hysterically. Now all the flashbacks were coming in front of my eyes as a picture on how they have tortured me. I was scared that they will now see me broken and they too will use me as a punching bag.

"Dad we have to take her to hospital.  I can't treat her here properly. I'll need her x-ray too for internal injuries. "Noah said.

"Let's go" Dad said and stood.
Before I could stand Ethan came to me and lifted me in his arms gently while being careful with my back injuries. I squealed because of the sudden surprise.

"I can walk" I mumbled to Ethan.

"But I won't let you put pressure on your feet more." Ethan said.

I looked at him and then others. They were concerned.

I said nothing and then we went outside and took a car where Noah was driving, dad on passenger seat with me and Ethan in the back and I think Ryan and others were coming in second car behind us.

Soon we reached hospital and they took me inside with me being in Ethan's arms. We reached a private room of hospital and I started to feel scared. The last time I came to hospital was when my aunt died.

Flashbacks started coming and i closed my eyes and sobbed.

"Everything will be fine. We won't let you suffer anymore." Ethan confessed.

I opened my eyes filled with tears. I don't know whether I could trust them or not. I don't know anything.

What ifs were continuously filling my head.

Ethan laid me on the bed and Noah came to me with injection most probably anesthesia. I soon started to feel dizzy and I saw that everyone were present there looking at me with what looked like regret, guilt, concern and mostly with affection.

"Help me" I spoke and a lone tear slipped from my eyes.

I welcomed the darkness hoping for the light to come again and brighten  my life more and defeat the darkness of my life.

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