36. First Session (Edited)

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I decided that I'll talk to Ryan about self defense and here I'm standing in front of him in front of the front door blocking his way.

"So what is it this time? " Ryan asked skeptically looking at me.

"Hehe.. I- You promised to teach me self defense-" I asked nervously.

"7pm in Gym" He said and went past me.

'This was easy' i thought.

In Evening

I was so excited the whole day, but my excitement shattered when Ryan said

"Little stretching for 5 min, then 20 pushups, 20 squats and 15 burpees"

I looked at him open mouthed.

"QUICK" He added and i quickly started exercising.

By 10th squat I already started feeling tired.

And by last burpee, I fell down and laid as I was so damn exhausted. I closed my eyes to rest a bit.

"You can't be exhausted, we just started" Ryan said but i ignored him.

"Get up liz" He commanded.

I groaned but still got up.

"We'll start today's lesson a little punches" He explained.

"Here is the punching bag and you have to hit here with all your strength. But your posture should be straight. Your fist should be like this" He showed me his fist

"Thumb should be outside the fist for maximum power and try to punch like this"

He punched the punching bad so damn hard but he didn't even use his whole strength.

I looked at him gaped.

"Come on, it's your turn" He said.

I stepped forward, fisted my hands and punched the bag.

But it barely shook the bag, but shook my whole arm.

Damn it.

"Here, watch me one more time. Keep your posture straight like this and make your fist like this and punch straight."

I copied him and did the same and it was better than the first one.

We practiced this for an hour. And by the end of the session, I was damn tired.

After the session ended, I slumped there not having even tiny bit of energy to move. I was covered in sweat.

Ryan looked at me.

"You've terrible stamina. Go and have a hot bath otherwise you won't be able to move due to the cramps, tomorrow. "

"I can't even move even a little. Can you drop me by the room?" I asked sheepishly.

He smiled a bit kneeled down. I jumped on his back and he took me to my room.

On our way, I passed everyone who were in the living room gathered.

Twins looked at me shocked

"Heya" I teased.

"You never carried me like this when I had a fracture 3 years back" Taylor accused Ryan.

"He loves me more" I said and showed my tongue.

Dad just shook his head and smiled.

"You really have him wrapped around your finger" Noah teased.

"Hehe.. " I giggled.

"Enough" Ryan said and speed walked to my room.

He dropped me at the door and went back while I went directly to bathroom and had a hot bath to soothe my muscles.

Half an hour later I dressed and went to have dinner.

Ethan had already set the table. He smiled when he saw me. This time twins were helping him.

We all sat down and everyone started talking with each other.

"Sweety, there is something we want to discuss with you" Dad said gaining everyone's attention.

It shouldn't be bad.

"Yes dad" I nodded and indicated him to urged him to continue.

"The thing is  that your kidnapping was intentional. To bring the truth about mafia in front of you" He dropped the bomb.

"What!? " I was shocked. "Why would anyone do that?! " I asked.

"To separate you from us" Ethan said.

"How can you guys confirm that it was intentional? " I asked.

"The thugs there had there guns empty meaning they won't have harmed me" Ryan said.

"It was a trap" Noah said.

"Who could it be? " I asked.

"Do you have any sus people from school who could have done it? Since you were kidnapped from school, there are high chances that it was someone from school" Dustin asked.

I was in deep thoughts.

Call me mad but I had only two names in mind, i.e.,


Because only they knew that my family was involved in mafia.

I looked up directly in Ryan's eyes.

"I have two names" I said.

I told them everything on why I was suspicious of them. They said that they had do a background check on both of them and told me to be careful.

Dinner went by like that and tomorrow I have to go to school.

I was nervous again. But I hope everything will be okay and my muscles were starting to pain.

"Drink this. It'll help you and will reduce those cramps." Ryan gave me alien looking green liquid.

I looked at the liquid and then at him and again at liquid and again at him.

Apparently Ethan made this for me and told Ryan to make me drink this since I was exhausted and were going to have terrible cramps tomorrow and I'm not going to listen to Ethan.

The thing is that Ryan has some sort of resistance against my puppy eyes and he doesn't get affected by them.

I shook my head and immediately turned around but bumped into something.


"Help me Noah, I don't want to drink this" I whined and looked at him with puppy eyes.

Noah looked at me and then behind me towards Ryan.

Noah held my hands at the back and turned me around as again I was facing Ryan.


"Noahhhh...." I protested.

"Sorry liz but it's good for your health" Noah spoke.

Ryan was not bothered by my drama and just brought the glass near my lips.

"I'll count to 10 and I want this glass empty" Ryan said as he thrusted the glass in my hand when Noah released it.

I begrudgingly drank.

I glared at Noah and walked off when he called after me.

Noah caught up to me and blocked my way.

"I know it was nasty, so I brought you this chocolate" He said waving it in front of me "but if you're not talking to me the-"

I snatched the chocolate and ran past him giggling, saying a quick thankyou.

And this is how I forgave him so easily.

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