Chapter 7

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Rosalie POV:

I just arrived home from school and decided that it was time to Carlisle and Esme about Lucifer. "Are you sure Rosalie? That is a big thing to tell" Edward says from behind me as I walk up the front steps of the house. "Yes, I'm telling them Edward and stay out of my head!" I ended up yelling the last part at him. I put my bag down in the living room before walking into the kitchen where our parents/coven leaders were. "Hi kids. How was your day?" Esme asked as we all filed into the room. There were multiple 'boring's and a few 'annoying's heard from the five of us. I decide to speak up at that moment "There is something that I need to tell you guys." Carlisle and Esme suddenly looked nervous but looked to me to continue with what I need to say.

"I met my mate" is all I said. Both Carlisle and Esme got excited and Esme lead me to sit on the stool while they both asked about who my mate is. "His name is Lucifer Rouge Swan. He is 15, but he is extremely intelligent so he is a senior. He is 6"9 so he is really tall and has a lot of muscle. He has an annoying older sister who is a junior and his dad is the chief of police. We spend the entire second half of the school day together since we have all the same classes and we have been texting a lot of the past week or so, but I met him his first day of school here in Forks. I also want him to meet you all on Saturday." I tell them only a little bit about him. Esme and Carlisle were both shocked to say the least about me wanting them to meet him.

"We would love to meet him Rose" Esme almost yelled out with a giant smile on her face. Carlisle on the other hand Carlisle wasn't as happy "I don't know Rose. If you met him at school he would have to be human and you know our laws." I thought for a second and came up with a dangerous idea "You could call the Volturi and tell them what is going on. We could see what they say and go from there. There are laws about mates so they can't do any physical harm to me or him because I haven't exposed us." Carlisle and Esme look at each other for a minute, almost like having a mental conversation, before turning back to me and smiling. "I'll make the call to Aro. No promises on what will happen though" Carlisle says before giving Esme a kiss on the head and going to his office. I give Esme a smile before making my way up to my room for a while.

Carlisle's POV:

Hearing about Rosalie's mate automatically made the Volturi come to mind and let Rosalie know. I was hoping that me mentioning the kings would make her take a step back from her human mate, but it did the complete opposite with her telling me to make a call to our kings instead. I did tell her I would call though so I walked to my home office to do so. After the phone rang a few times I hear the voice or our main king, Aro, "Hello." I take an unneeded breath before I started speaking "Hello Aro. It's Carlisle" I hear the crazy laugh of the king through the phone speaker. "It is nice to hear from you, old friend. How is the coven doing?" Aro asked once calming down from his fit of chuckles. "That is actually the reason for me calling. It seems Rosalie has met his mate in a human boy from school. They have talked to each other and grown close over the past 2 or so weeks." I explain a little bit to him. "Ah! What an interesting situation problem you have" Aro sounded not happy a bit.

"Rosalie knows the laws so she has not told him what we are or had him over to the house yet and only see each other at school. She did invite him over on Saturday for Esme and I to meet him though. I knew nothing about this until today. I told her it is not a good idea, but she insisted that I call you so she cannot get in trouble due to the laws you and the fellow kings have made about soulmates" I inform him with everything that I know before he could hang up and get the entire royal coven to come here to kill our family. "You said he will be at your home on Saturday?" Aro asked for clarification. "Yes" I responded. "Then Marcus and Caius will arrive with our elite guard on Friday and be there to meet this human on Saturday. Then we will decide what to do." Aro informs me of what is going to happen before hanging up.

I made my way out of the office to speak to the entire family "FAMILY MEETING!" I almost yell out. I sped down the stairs at vampire speed to meet everyone in the living room area. "I just got off the phone with Aro" I tell the family. Rosalie immediately stood up to ask about what the king said. "Aro has decided that all three kings along with their elite guard will come here on Friday to access everything going on and be here Saturday to get a feeling as of who Lucifer is and how strong Rosalie and Lucifer's mate bond is. Then the kings will decide what will happen next" Carlisle said as he stood in front of the gathered family. Everyone quickly realized that if these upcoming events went badly that their entire family could die a horrible death and started to plan on what to do.

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