Chapter 8

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Carlisle's POV:

Today was Friday, the day the Volturi would be visiting our coven. Esme was running around cleaning everything she had already cleaned an hour ago, I am in my home office doing paperwork since I don't need to go to the hospital today or tomorrow, and the kids were everywhere. Emmett was sitting on the floor of the living room playing videogames, Edward was playing his piano, Alice was reading a fashion magazine in her room with Jasper lying next to her reading a Civil War book, and Rosalie was with Esme freaking out about Lucifer meeting the kings and what would happen to him. Rosalie will also be telling Lucifer that the kings and the guard will be here tomorrow under the claims that the three kings were her uncles and that the guard was her cousins. Esme had finally calmed Rosalie down when it was time for all the children to go to school. They all jumped in their cars and headed off with Esme and I waving them off. Leaving us two alone to wait an hour for the Volturi to arrive.

Lucifer's POV:

Waking up on Friday morning, everything was normal. I got out of bed, did my bathroom routine, got my clothes on, and grabbed an apple and water on the way out the door all the while blocking out the obnoxious whiny voice of Isabella.

Arriving at school ten minutes later I park next to Rosalie's car only to see a worried looking Rosalie slowly walking over to me. I quickly got off my bike to meet her at the front of her car "Hey what's wrong, you look upset?" I ask her. "My uncles and cousins are coming to my house today and will be here until Sunday" Rosalie said. "Oh, do you want to reschedule?" I asked Rosalie. "No, actually my parents still want you to come over. Please it's just a few extra people so-" she told me. I took a second to think about it. I decided to go since I do like Rose that there is no harm in meeting some more of her family. "Okay. I'll go" I say interrupting Rosalie's rant. "Really?" Rosalie asked with a surprised but excited face. "Yes really. I have no problem with going tomorrow" I tell her. Rosalie was so happy that she jumped into my unexpecting arms, luckily, I caught her.

Rosalie ended up being a koala, hanging on to me, the rest of the morning to the point that I had to carry her the entire way to her first class, laughing the whole way with the entire student body and some teachers starring at us in shock. Even though it had been a few weeks nobody at this school is used to seeing any of the Cullens talking to anyone outside of their family and they especially are not use to Rosalie, or as they named her 'the ice queen', smiling and laughing.

3rd Person POV:

What no one knew was that the kings and guard were watching from the forest across from the school. They were surprised to see that the boy they were here to judge seemed to have no problem with meeting extra people. While being surprised they were also happy about how he seemed to treat Rosalie, making the seven that were watching the 'couple' wanting to meet the boy sooner. All seven had deep feelings for Lucifer immediately, but only one knew the reason why and he decided to wait until that night to bring it up to everyone while they met with all members of the Olympic Coven.

*Cullen House*

The three kings with Felix and Demetri left the school to go to the Cullen house leaving Alec and Jane to watch the school to keep watch of the Cullen children and Rosalie's mate. When the members of the Volturi arrived at the house they were met with Carlisle and Esme on the front porch. "Carlisle my old friend!" Aro, the black-haired king, exclaimed followed by an almost manic laugh. "Aro, always a pleasure to see you. Please come in." Carlisle responded with a smile making its way onto his face. Everyone made their way into the house and all sat down on the large sofa and started to discuss a little more about the Volturi's visit. "So, what can you tell us about Rosalie's mate?" Marcus asked the coven leaders. "His name is Lucifer Rouge Swan. He is 15 years old, but he is a senior because of his advanced intellect. Lucifer is taller than an average boy his age and is still growing taller. He is six foot nine and his doctors predict he is going to be a little over seven feet by the time he is done growing. He has an older sister who is 17 and a junior in high school, her name is Isabella Swan. Isabella is obsessed with Edward so we are keeping her away and Lucifer is more than okay with that since they do not have a good relationship. Lucifer's dad is Charlie Swan, the chief of police of Forks. Lucifer seems to be a good guy by what Rosalie has told us, but we haven't met him yet, that's what tomorrow is for" Carlisle tells the kings what little he knows about the boy in question. "That's all! That's all you know about the boy! What you just told us was next to nothing. We could have found that out ourselves" Caius yelled at the two coven leaders, scaring Esme and making Carlisle release a growl in warning to the blond-haired king. The Olympic Coven leaders and the Volturi members continued to talk about everything that happened over the years since their last meeting until the younger members got back from school.

The first ones to come through the door after school were Alice and Jasper due to Jasper wanting to get away from the humans as soon as he could. The couple were followed by Emmett and Edward, Emmett being surprisingly quiet for once. And last but not least Rosalie was last to show up, one hour later, with a smile taking over her face while looking down at her phone. "You two were together between your classes all day and haven't left each other's side from lunch until you left school, and you're texting already?" Emmett asked jokingly while watching Rosalie making almost everyone in the room let out small chuckles. The sound of laughing was what made Rosalie look up and realize it wasn't just family but the kings with Felix and Demetri. Aro stood up and faced Rosalie with one of his crazy evil smiles "We need to have a chat."

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