Chapter Two: Second Chance at First Line

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Mom walks in my room as I was getting ready for school

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Mom walks in my room as I was getting ready for school. She shuts the door behind her. "Yes?" I ask "How did you and Scott become werewolves? You didn't explain that part before you ran out the house." Mom said "You're gonna be mad." I say "Just tell me." Mom said "Stiles heard Noah get the call about the half of the body. You were at work. Stiles came and got Scott and I to take us searching for a half of a body in the middle of the woods in pitch black dark." I say "He did what?!" Mom exclaimed "Told you that you would be mad." I say "What happened next?" Mom asked "Stiles got caught by his dad so Scott and I was left in the woods alone. We nearly got ran over by deer and a car. But then Scott found a half of the body before tumbling down a hill where the alpha found us and bit us." I say "You almost got hit by a car?!" Mom exclaimed "Yes. But that's all that happened when we got bit." I say leaving the part where Scott lost his inhaler out of it.

-time skip-

After I changed I walk into the boys locker room following my brother to his locker. I lay on the bench staring up at the ceiling but I hear stuff clattering to the floor. I smell Stiles walk by us and then turns around and comes back. "Did you apologize to Allison?" Stiles asked "Yeah." Scott said "So is she giving you a second chance or." Stiles said "Yeah." Scott said "Yeah! All right, so everything's good!" Stiles said "No." Scott said and I sit up. "No?" Stiles and I ask in sync. "Remember the hunters? Her dad is one of them." Scott said "Oh I already knew that." I say laying back down. "Her dad?" Stiles asked "Shot me." Scott said "Allison's father?" Stiles asked "With a crossbow." Scott said "Allison's father." Stiles said "Yes, her father! Oh, my god." Scott said and I quickly jump up and stand in front of him.

"No, Scotty, come on, snap back." I smack his slightly on the face. "You okay? Hey, all right. Chris didn't recognize you, right?" I ask "No, no, no, I don't think so." Scott said "Does she know about him?" Stiles asked "Oh, yeah, I don't know. What if she does?" The whistle gets blown meaning it's time for practice. "This is gonna kill me, man. I can't." Scott said. "Okay, I'm sorry to say this but someone has to. You need to man the hell up and calm down. Chris isn't as psycho as his sister which means Allison probably doesn't know. But once the sister gets here Allison will figure it out because I know Kate will make sure of it. Now I need you to focus on lacrosse, okay? Here, Scott, take this. Take this and focus on lacrosse for now, okay? That's all you gotta do, yeah?" I ask as Stiles is handing his gear. "Lacrosse." Scott said "Here we go." Stiles said hitting Scott. We walk to the field. "Wait, Amy how do you know about the Argents?" Stiles asked "I'll explain everything later. But right now we have practice and Scott doesn't need to be thinking about Argents right now." I say

"Let's go! One-on-ones from up top. Jackson, take a long stick, today." Jackson grabs the stick. "Attaboy." Jackson starts blocking the players. "That's how you do it, Jackson. That's how you do it. Greenberg, take a lap. Let's go." Coach blows the whistle. "Faster, Greenberg." It's Scott's turn to go. "Let's go. McCall, what are you waiting for? Let's go." Scott runs at Jackson but gets knocked down. "Hey, McCall. Hey, McCall." Coach said "You sure you still want to be first line, McCall?" Jackson asked making me roll my eyes. Coach walks over to Scott. "My grandmother can move faster than that and she's dead! You think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?" Coach asked "Yes, Coach." Scott said "I can't hear you." Coach said "Yes, Coach." Scott said and I could tell he was starting to change. "Scott, control it." I say "Then do it again. McCall's gonna do it again! McCalls gonna do it again!" Coach blows the whistle. "Let's go!" Coach said and Scott runs at Jackson but this time knocking him on the ground.

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