Chapter 16 ~ (INSERT DORY VOICE) Es-Ca-Pe

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"Gracious Gawd! I am so grateful to be out of that hell hole. Thank you so much Mariko for picking me up for thanksgiving. I'm so excited to meet your family." I rambled as I stuffed my bag in the backseat and jumped in the car.

"Our family." Mariko just smiled her little granny smile at me. She was so sweet, I couldn't help but love her. We had driven for about 45 minutes when we came to Mariko's home. Our home.

When we got inside I was instantly greeted with a kick in the leg. I looked down to see a little boy with bright blue eyes, and he was smiling deviously. I laughed and bent down, plopping my bag on the floor. "You must be Torence." I giggled again and ruffled his hair.

"Yes I am, and I am six-years-old for your information! So I don't like to be touched hmph." He turned his face away from me in a triumphant smirk, like he had been rehearsing that little speech. His tough guy act was utterly adorable. I stood up and went to my room to unpack. I would be there for three days, then I'd have to go back to the devil's playground.


"Mariko your kiddo here is amazingly talented at frosting cupcakes." Mariko's niece praised me. Mariko made her way to the dinner table, and placed the turkey in the center. "She is indeed Cathy, and you should see her cake baking skills." She patted the soft doily than rested underneath the turkey bowl. "Now everyone sit, it's all ready now." She smiled and pulled out the chair next to her for me.

I silently took roll of the people at the table... we had Mariko's brother, his daughter and Mariko's niece Cathy, Mariko's sister-in-law, and Cathy's son and Mariko's great nephew Torence. The only person missing was Mariko's older sister, Jean. As we held hands and said grace, an elderly woman sat down next to me at the end of the table, I assumed it was Jean. She wore floral clothing in rich shades of purple, gold, and black. Her hair was the color of the moon, and it was modernly curled. Her jewlery looked antique and a little magical. Her face bore no smile, and she was staring at me with a look of pure horror.

"Jean are you okay?" I whispered after the prayer was over.

"What on earth is this child doing here? She is a great disaster waiting to happen." Jean said unpleasantly with her hands tucked under the table.

"Excuse me Jean. What did you just say about my kid?" Mariko put her glass down and held Jean with a fierce glare.

"This girl is destined to be followed by evil, and I sense that she is going to bring the devil himself inside of this house." Jean spit the words out like bile.

Mariko stood up "That is enough! How dare you? Analiese is a kind and good person, she couldn't do anything of the sort. If you are going to judge Anna, then I would like you to leave." She pointed to the door.

Jean looked to the entrance of the house, and her eyes mingled with every line and square of that door before she said, "He is already here." I was lost for words, so I looked through the window to see a black Camaro.


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