Chapter 17 ~ Loving Fam.

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I could feel my stomach doing little back flips, as I held back a scream. There was no way Lucifer was actually here. I had to be imagining it. I soon realized that it was as real as my terror. I spotted Lucifer walking up the drive to the porch, and I nearly fainted.

"Would you excuse me please!?" Without waiting for an answer I shot up from my seat and flew to the door. When I got outside Lucifer had his hand up, about ready to knock. "Oh hi." He smiled.

"Don't 'Hi' me, you ass! What the hell are you doing here? At my house. Scaring Mariko's sister. She's saying you're the devil! Are you?" I rambled at him violently.

His warm breath stirred the color in my cheeks. I noticed how close I had gotten to his face while I was yelling, and scrambled backwards only to collide with the door knob. I let out a screech of pain and held my back. Lucifer let out a slight laugh, revealing his perfect, white teeth. I was in pain, and angry as hell at him, but I was still ready to melt at the sight of his smile.

"You need to calm down." He stepped toward me and lifted me into the air easily. I kicked my feet in protest, "Put me down now, and start explaining yourself!" His amusement was evident as he placed me back on the ground.

"I just wanted to meet the fam that I've heard so much abo-" I cut him off mid-word, "Um no, I haven't said a word about them, or about where I live for matter of fact. So how did you know how to find me?" He just smirked. "I have my ways. Now may I come in? Yes I may." He lifted me out of the doorway and stepped inside, with me grabbing at his jacket pitifully.

"Jesus, save my soul for the great demon of hell has come before me!" Jean fell from her seat and onto her knees, she began praying and mumbling things to herself. I just cocked my head and grabbed at Lucifer's shirt some more. "What are you saying Jean?"

"She's got an active imagination. I'm not a demon." He said, walking to the table and sitting down in my seat.

"Hey get your ass... butt outta my seat bucko." I got to him and tugged at his jacket hood, while Mariko gave the two of us a perplexed-as-fuck look.

"Oh I'm so sorry" Lucifer turned to Mariko and took her hand. "I forgot to introduce myself to my roomates lovely mother. I'm Lucifer, it's splendid to meet you." Jean began crying and praying franticly. Mariko looked at her and became afraid.

"Th-that's nice child but we are in the middle of dinner here..." Mariko gently took her hand back from Lucifer.

Lucifer had a look of fake shock on his face and put his hand over his heart offendedly. "Did Anna not tell you that I would be joining you for the weekend? You see, my family is all out of the country and I was just stuck at the boarding house alone. Your daughter, being the kindhearted person that she is, he shot me a wink, invited me to stay with you for thanksgiving break. Right Anna?"

My mouth hung open a foot. I wanted to scream 'noooooo not right assfuckfacedickshitcowpissbitch!' But I was lost for words so I just said, "yeah sorry, I forgot to mention that. It's okay right Mariko?" I glared at Lucifer angrily for a split second, then went back to smile-begging Mariko.

Mariko's frightened eyes became soft and sweet. I could tell that she fell for Lucifer's shit and actual believes that he has nowhere else to go. "Of course you can stay with us dear, I would never let a sweet child go without a family for thanksgiving." She smiled brightly, taking Lucifers smug face in her hands and squeezing. I surpressed a laugh attack as Mariko turned Lucifer's smirk into fishy lips.

Mariko released a stunned Lucifer and clapped her hands together. "Okay shall we eat?" everyone agreed with cheers. Mariko pulled up a chair next to Torence for Lucifer and patted it, indicating him to sit. He did. Mariko turned her smiling face to Jean and switched to a scowl, "get your ass up Jean, you're embarrassing yourself." She barked, and I jumped. Jean crawled to the front door and ran to her car.

"Good riddance." Mariko returned to smiling and started serving everone piles of food. I caught Lucifer lusting after the mouthwatering mashed potatoes, as they were served to him. Dumbass. I sat down in my spot and smiled at Lucifer's drool.

Mariko took her seat next to me, "Shall we say grace?" She looked around to table, and stopped at Lucifer. "Why doesn't our guest say it, okay? Okay." She closed her eyes and folded her dainty, wrinkled hands. We all followed her, but I didn't close my eyes, I stayed looking at Lucifer to see what he would do.

To my surprise, he started praying like a boss... "Dear lord, I'd like to thank thee for thy giving. You have given me a good home with good people to share this weekend with., His golden eyes fluttered open and he held me with his smiling gaze. I gaped and just listened, You have given us all Mariko, who made this wonderful meal. I just can't even express my gratitude to you heavenly father, he looked at me again, but this time he wasn't smiling... he was searching my eyes, for Analiese, who has gifted me with so much, he fucking winked after that, Amen." We echoed our 'amens' and I continued to hold Lucifer with a look of pure shock.

We ate our food and conversed with everyone happily, even Lucifer talked. Mariko's brother started talking about some football team that he liked, and Lucifer joind that discussion. Torrence began talking about some x-box game, and Lucifer joined that conversation. For fucks sake, he even joined the conversation going on about breastfeeding... I was so stunned that I hardly spoke 5 words all dinner. Everyone seemed to love him... but where was the asshole, creepy Lucifer that I knew?


After dinner Mariko's family helped clean up the dishes and the table, while Lucifer and I walked to his car to get his suitcase. "What on earth were you thinking comeing here?" I said stepping in front of him, as he was almost at the car.

He didn't stop walking, instead he smashed me against the car and put his arm on the car on either side of my face. "That, Anna, you will find out in good time." The heat of his body surrounding me was burning my skin, and his warm breath on my neck sent thrilling shivers up my spine. His golden eyes were piercing into me, and his devilish smirk was melting me. I had to get away or else I might have cried. "Ugh get off!" I puffed, then pushed him off.

"Aren't you gonna help me bring in my suitcase?" He pouted at me as I stomped away.

We does he have that effect on me!? I could just shoot his gorgeous face off, gouge out his beautiful eyes, rip out his sexy-fucking-hair, crush his gawddamnedsmexyass body... holy shit I need to stop. I wish I could just rip my eyes out, so all I would see about him is his disgusting attitude.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. "Are you gonna open that or not, you spaz?" Lucifer motioned for me to open the door, from behind me.

"Y-yes of couse I am, stupid!" I opened the door to more suitcases. "What, who's leaving?" Mariko came out of the kitchen and told me that she was driving her family back to Texas, so it would just be Lucifer and I here for the next two days. Shit.

As I waved to Mariko and her family driving away, I tried not to think about what was going to happen while she was gone. I felt the familiar warm breath of his on my neck. I almost moaned, but I choked it back. What is wrong with me? And I didn't even hear what he said now.

I turned to face his stunning smile, and I had to blink a couple times. "W-what did you say?" I asked with my hands on my hips, trying to act like I wasn't just about to let out an orgasmic sound because him.

He began laughing and for some reason so did I. "What I said was," he stoped laughing "this is going to be fun." His devilish smile made my stomach hurt and I'm pretty sure I had a constipated look on my face. I had no idea what he meant by that, but I didn't want to find out.

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