Chapter 24 ~ Back and Forth

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>>||Lucifer's POV||<<

I broke down. My entire being just fell apart, as I gripped the shower curtain in both hands, ripped it and it's supports right out of the wall, and just smashed the sink with my fists.

I stood in the middle of the bathroom, panting, and tears rolling down my cheeks. I looked around. The shower curtain was ripped apart and the marble sink was split down the middle and spewing water everywhere.

I couldn't believe I just said those things, To the most important person in my life.

I told her I didn't want her.

I told her she wasn't good enough for me.

I felt like I was going to puke, which is almost physically impossible for an angel.

But I did, right there in the toilet was the foulest thing I'd ever smelled, and that shit came out of me. What the hell? I got up and went downstairs. Jenna was calling for me from the kitchen, but I just yelled, "I'm leaving and I'm not going to be back for awhile, don't wait up."

I lifted into the sky and flew for about ten minutes, and I started to get dizzy.

I wavered back to the ground and returned my wings. I looked around and saw nothing but an old shack and a shit ton of land, so I went to the shack and it was locked. I melted the metal lock with my hand and opened the door. The shack had a tiny bed inside and a wall with a few pictures on it. I walked over to the wall and saw the pictures. There were a few of some citys and some buildings, but the one that stuck out at me was of the Eiffel Tower. I was in France.

I didn't care, as a matter of fact I was happy to be so far away. Maybe then I wouldn't hurt her anymore. I layed on the little cott-bed-thing and tried to forget about her for a second, but I soon remembered the sound of her crying just outside our bedroom, and the sound of Gabriel taking her in his room, and her asking him to sleep with her.

A wave of regret and jealousy smashed into me and in seconds the cott under me was in flames, and then the entire shack, and then the field of wheat, and then my heart. I set fire to so many things in my lifetime, but I never thought I would do that to the girl I love.


>>|| Analiese's POV ||<<

I woke up to a strong arm around my waist, and a tear-stained pillow glued to my face.

"L-lucifer?" I turned around to see Gabe's sleeping figure, and my face dropped when I remembered what happened last night. I pulled myself away from Gabe's arm gently, and went back into my room. Unsurprisingly, Lucifer wasn't there.

My bed felt extremely empty, and lonesome. So I just sat in Lucifer's bed. I leaned over and layed on his pillow, and it's mind-blowing how one little peice of fluff that smells like him could send me over. I closed my eyes tight, not wanting to shed anymore tears. Right then my bedroom door opened.

"Anna?" Gabe stepped in, looking groggy with his tousled hair and sleepy eyes.

"Y-yeah?" I sat up and walked over to him. He just looked down at me, from Lucifer's height, from Lucifer's face, from Lucifer's lips, "Are you okay Anna, do you want to tell me what happened?" He placed his heavenly hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye. He looked so much like Lucifer that I couldn't not think about Lucifer when I saw him.

"No I'm just... I had a fight with Lucifer." I looked up into his bold green eyes, the color somewhat resembled mine. His green orbs went soft and he looked at me sympatheticly. "Lucifer can be hot headed and..." Gabe looked over at the bathroom door, which had water sloshing under it. "I bet he broke the bathroom because he was so upset." Gabe said walking to the door. I went inside and the whole floor was covered in a layer of water, the sink was split down the middle, and the shower curtain was messed up on the floor. "Holy shit." I mumbled and started to throw towels on the wet floor.

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