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𓆩 3rd person's POV 𓆪

" Hinata, please just talk to me. I'll explain everything. " Kageyama said after pulling Hinata to the back of the school. It's been 5 days since he found out Kageyama was cheating and he was still mad at him. They had just finished practice and was about to go home.

" What's there to explain? " Hinata was in the verge of crying. He wiped his eyes before a tear drops.

" Yamaguchi seduced me! "

" If you're gonna lie then make it believable! Yamaguchi would never do that and even if he actually seduced you, why would you fucking give in knowing that I'm in a relationship with you. You let yourself be swayed away. " After saying that, his tears came rushing down on his face. He Desperately tried to wipe it off because he didn't wanna look stupid and weak.

" Please Hinata, I won't let myself be swayed away again. Just give me another chance. Please? " Kageyama holds onto Hinata's shoulders, leaning down.

" No! " Hinata tried to push him away but failed, The black-haired male pushed him againts the wall and lifted his chin, he leaned his face closer to kiss him but failed as Hinata kept pushing him away.

" What are you doing?! " Hinata kept pushing him away with no avail because of the difference in height and strength.

" I heared someone saw you and Tsukishima kissing. You didn't even let me kiss you before because you said you're uncomfortable. And now you're just letting him take custody of your lips? Whore. " Kageyama once again tried to kiss the tangerine. He's body froze when he heard a click noise. He looked to his side and saw Tsukishima standing there with a phone on his hand.

" Caught you. " Tsukishima said with a smirk. He looked over at the tangerine and furrowed his eye brows. Hinata was looking back, his face is now wet and his eyes were red from crying, he was trembling with fear.

" T-tsuki... "

" Hmm... Bullying and sexual assault. These are enough to get you expelled. "

" Ha, is this some kind of set-up to blackmail me? " Kageyama had let go of Hinata and had his eyes wide open while switching looks and pointing at Hinata and Tsukishima.

" Set-up? You were the one who dragged Hinata and forced yourself into him. " Tsukishima scoffed. He pulled Hinata closer to him and the tangerine hugged him tightly.

" Listen jerk, don't ever try to talk to him ever again or I'll post this. Only talk to him about volleyball. " Tsukishima glared at Kageyama.

" Why are you acting all close to him. I'm the boyfriend here. " Kageyama glared back.

Tsukishima clicked his tongue. " Funny how you still consider him as your boyfriend after what you did. " He said with an annoyed tone.

" Why the fuck do you care? This is our relationship, not yours. "

" Oh shut up. Hinata doesn't want to be with you anymore. " Tsukishima glanced at Hinata who was still trembling.

" Is that right Hinata? You don't wanna be with me anymore? " Kageyama asked. His face was filled with sadness. (what a punchable face)

" I-it's true. Plus, Y-yamaguchi will be hurt. " the tangerine said while sniffing and wiping his eyes.

Tsukishima was stunned, he was still able to think of others even though he was the victim.

" Hinata I love you more than him, please just give me another cha- "

" That's enough, we're gonna go now. " Tsukishima cut him off and held Hinata's hand. He squeezed it tight, indicating that he was there for him.



Thank you Tsukki. " Hinata said and hugged the blonde tightly. They were in Tsukishima's house in the moment.

Tsukishima just patted his head and gave him a T-shirt and shorts. Hinata gladly took it. He was about to take off his uniform when a hand stopped him.

" What did I say about changing in front of me? " He clicked his tongue and had a faint blush.

Hinata blushed furiously, now realizing what's wrong with changing in front of someone you like and likes you. He hurriedly went to the bathroom to change clothes.

Minutes after, the tangerine went out the bathroom holding his uniform that was folded and wearing a T-shirt and a short that was too big for him which made him look extra small. His hair was slightly wet as he just got out of shower.

" You don't have any smaller clothes? " Hinata asked. The shirt was down to his mid-thighs and the short was down below his knees.

" Those are my smallest ones. " Tsukishima said as he took off his glasses and laid down on his bed.

" You're going to sleep? " The tangerine asked while going closer.

" What does it look like? I've prepared a futon for you to sleep in. " It was dark outside and Hinata lived up in the mountains, so Tsukishima thought it would be good to just let him stay on his house for a night. His family were in vacation after all. Hinata had already informed his mom and she fortunately agreed.

Hinata laid down in the futon, he was staring at the ceiling for a solid minute before speaking.

" Tsukishima? " Hinata whispered.

" hm? " Tsukishima replied lazily.

" Thank you again. You're always there for me whenever I needed someone. " Hinata said, glancing over the blonde.

" Stop saying cringe shits and sleep. " Tsukishima turned his back. Hinata chuckled and looked at Tsukishima.

" Are you cold? " Hinata asked, he noticed Tsukishima was shivering.

" huh? "

" You can use me! My body is warm after all. " Hinata stood up.

" What? No way. " Tsukishima was still facing away from the tangerine. He was still shivering from the coldness.

" Oh c'mon, you can just think of this as my pay back from all of the things you've done for me. " He scooted over to Tsukishima and hugged him from the back.

" I'm warm right? " Hinata asked while shoving his face on Tsukishima's neck.

Hinata's body was indeed warm, but the blonde couldn't make himself admit it. Instead, he faced Hinata and hugged him back. Placing his face on Hinata's neck.

Hinata blushed but hugged him tighter.

" I love you Tsukki. " Hinata said, the scent of Tsukishima was making him sleepy.

" Idiot. "


1000+ words, I'm proud (❁´◡'❁)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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