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I squeezed Sal's hand as I turned to her, "Stay behind me."

She nodded, and I felt one more jolt of pure power flow from her into me. She released my hand and stepped back as Serqet turned to Khepri. "Do not bother interfering," she told the god, "I'll handle the boy myself."

She turned to me and smiled, "I'll enjoy watching you die, Son of Fate."

I glanced at my sword and remembered what Horus had told me last night... "Never underestimate the power of your trusty sword.... Never underestimate your power..."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling my energy flow through my entire body and into my sword. The next time I opened my eyes, they were glowing.

I looked up at the goddess and said, "I'll enjoy disappointing you."

I rushed at her and she charged right back. I slashed first, but the goddess easily dodged it. She sent me a kick that had me stagger back, and she leapt qt me. I shot a blast of fire from my hand at her, a blast so powerful it threw her back. The fire itself flew forty feet strong, long enough to cause the crowd to scurry back in fright. As it was, the fire was so hot Serqet's clothes were scorched to rags. The goddess herself seemed unaffected, but very pissed.

She stood up, and what was left of her clothes seemed to ripple in the air, transforming into some sort of breastplate. Looking back at it now, she wouldn't have made a bad Wonderwoman.

The goddess yelled, sparks flying around her body, and I rushed at her. She blocked my attack with her forearm, and my sword clashing against her arm made a small shockwave. Golden blood dripped from where my sword had hit her arm, but before I could cut any deeper she punched at me. I darted back just in time, barely dodging the blow, and she punched again. I darted back and shot fire at her face, and the goddess yelled in pain, staggering back.

While she was dazed I attacked again, but she darted back and rushed at me. I slashed at her, but she blocked with her forearm again, creating another small shockwave. I slashed a third time and again and again, and she blocked again and again, then threw a punch. I used my sword to parry her punches and slashed at her, but she parried again. She punched and punched, barely giving me time to even throw fire.

I finally managed to slash at her, but she parried my attack again. I slashed back but she parried my attack so hard my sword flew out of my hand. I barely gave it time to hit the ground before I summoned it and slashed as it reappeared in my hand. She parried the attack and punched me square in the nose, and I flew back and crashed.

"Jones!" I heard Sal scream out my name. I rolled and got up as I felt warm liquid run down my nose. I wiped it away, stealing a glance at it. Blood.

Serqet laughed, "Scared already, Son of Fate? I was just warming up."

I wielded my sword, still letting it absorb my energy. "Try me."

She smiled and rushed at me, but I wielded my sword just as Horus did in my dream, did my best to restrain my energy, and stabbed at the ground. A small shockwave of fire emerged, but it was powerful enough to throw the goddess to the ground.

After taking a quick glance to make sure the shockwave didn't hit Sal, I rushed at the goddess, whose fire scars from the shockwave were healing. I slashed in an upward arc at her, but she rolled away and my sword scratched the ground, releasing a small shockwave and a line of fire so strong it flew forty feet long and twenty feet high. The crowd screamed and rushed back.

I looked at my sword in surprise and muttered, "That's new," then I looked up to see Serqet charge at me.

I held up my sword in defence as her fists collided with my blade, and she grunted in pain as I threw flames at her face and darted back. I shot fire at the goddess again, but her arms turned to pincers and she used them to cover her face.

The Scorpion of The Sahara...Trials of Fate Book 2Where stories live. Discover now