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"Come on, you guys," Stan walked over to the stairs, "I passed the Yari on his way here, and he has no idea I stole his keys. He usually comes over at this time to check on the prisoners. If we're caught, we're dead."

Hannah nodded and asked, "So, I assume you know the layout of this castle?"

Stan nodded, "Every room and hall. Come on," he started to leave, and we all followed behind him.

But then I remembered something. Or, to be precise, someone.

I turned to the left cage and summoned my sword, which, thankfully, appeared in my hand. Hannah turned to me, confused, "Um, Jones, what are you doing?"

I focused on the little girl in the cage and answered, "The right thing."

I slashed the cage, and my sword cut through the bars. I slashed in a wide lower arc and kicked the bars, and the sections I'd cut came tumbling down. The sound of metal cluttering on the ground gave off an annoyingly loud sound, and we heard a door open from far up the stairs and the Yari's voice yelling, "Who's there?!"

Our eyes widened in surprise, and Hannah hissed, "Jones, stop! This is our one chance of escape! Don't mess this up for us!" she held my hand, "Please."

I looked at Hannah and back at the girl, who had just woken up, confused, and scared. And at that moment, I made my decision.

"Mac," I turned to him, "Can you make an ambush on the Yari for me?"

Mac smirked, and his sledgehammer appeared in his arm, "Not a problem, amigo."

Hannah's expression turned from fear to rage, "No, Jones-"

The Yari's footsteps were getting louder, and Mac darted to a side of the dungeon and eyed the door.

"Jones, no!" Hannah tried to hold my hand, and I turned to her and said, "Didn't you see what happened this evening? What those guys did to this girl?! Why are you trying to stop me from saving her life?"

"Um, Jones, is it?" Stan tried to calm us down, and I turned to him, "We really don't have much time-"

"Then leave if you want to!" I yelled at him and turned to Hannah, "And you, too. I don't care what you do from now on, but you won't stop me from rescuing this girl-"

"This girl-" Hannah gritted her teeth," Jones, I saw what they did to that girl, and I felt sorry, too, but we can't save her now-"

"Why not, Hannah?!" I yelled, and I heard the Yari's footsteps descending the stairs, "This girl needs our help-"

"You can't save everyone you run into, Jones," she hissed at me, "You're not Superman!"

"Well I can't just leave this girl here to die," I retorted, "What good is being a hero if you can't help the nearest person in need?!"

"Jones, "Hannah said, "I'm not saying I don't want to save her; I'm saying we can't save her now. We have to save your mother now, Jones. She's the reason we're even here in the first place. She's our mission, not the girl. We can come for the girl later."

"No!" I yelled at her, "I will NOT. Leave this little girl, who has barely even lived, to rot here and die! If you don't like it, you can get your ass out of here! You asked me barely four hours ago how I could be so heartless and now it's you that's acting like you don't have a heart!"

"Jones, "Hannah said, but I yelled, "Don't 'Jones' me, Hannah. This girl is barely seven years old, and she's in a dungeon, feeding on breadcrumbs thrown at her face every day! She is slowly DYING, Hannah. Don't you understand that? Can't you see that she can't survive in here?! That she barely has any time left to live?!"

The Scorpion of The Sahara...Trials of Fate Book 2Where stories live. Discover now