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The speed at which Stan attacked his father nearly rivalled the god's regeneration.

Khepri struck at his son, who dodged and slashed at his father's eye. Khepri grunted in pain and flew back, transforming into a swarm of bees that flew at Stan. Stan flew up and the swarm followed him, then Stan flew to the crowd, nearly causing a stampede. The swarm chased Stan deeper into the city, but then Stan caught hold of a rock and threw it at the swarm. The rock struck down a few bees, but then the swarm transformed to Khepri.

Stan immediately turned and flew to his father, who flew at him. Khepri punched, but Stan dodged and slashed his father's side. The god grunted in pain again, but then Stan stabbed his eye.

Khepri yelled in pain and anger as Stan removed his khopeshes, wielding them as his father attacked. He dodged the god's punch over and over, and his father yelled in frustration. The god flew back and flew at his son at an unnatural speed, and Stan flew back at him.

Stan slashed, missing the god by inches, and his father gave him a blow to the chest so hard he flew into a nearby building.

Khepri smirked, "You will always be inferior to me, son," his eyes glowed a dull yellow, "You will always be weak."


The god turned to meet a rock that slammed him into another nearby house.

Natalia flew down to Stan, who was staggering up. "Go help your friends, Nat," Stan told her, "This is personal."

"Well, first of all, you are my friend," she replied, turning to Khepri, "And second, you've saved my life more times than I can count. The least I can do is help."

Khepri yelled and flew at her, and she shot a magic orb at him. He dodged the shot, but Stan flew at him and stabbed his stomach. Khepri yelled and slammed his son down, then removed the khopesh from his stomach and flew down to stab him, but then Natalia's magic orb hit him hard, exploding and blowing him several feet away.

Khepri crashed, rolled, and flew up, turning into a swarm of black beetles that all flew at Natalia.

Stan's eyes widened, "Scarabs!" Then he flew to Natalia, "Nat, let's fly!"

Natalia shot a couple more magic orbs at the swarm, but the insects dodged the shots. She and Stan flew up, but the swarm followed them with astonishing speed.

Natalia's eyes glowed,  and with a wave of her hand several piles of debris came rushing at the swarm, but only a small number of scarabs were hit. Stan and Natalia flew down, swerving past buildings and debris, but the swarm followed them closely. Natalia shot a few more magic orbs, but the insects dodged them once more.

She turned to Stan, "How do we stop an entire swarm of these things?!"

Stan shook his head, "I know scarabs have a weakness, but my father never told me. We just have to get him to change form somehow."

Natalia thought for a second and said, "I have an idea! Let's split up!" To which Stan nodded.

Natalia flew to the left and Stan flew to the right, and the swarm divided in two to chase both demigods.

Natalia threw a magic orb at them, and the swarm dodged, but then she flew closer to the ground. She touched it for a second and stopped flying, then raised her hands. The ground immediately cracked, several parts of it flying up to the swarm. The insects dodged the rocks, but they formed some sort of cocoon for Natalia. The insects landed on it, trying to bite through the pile of rocks to get to Natalia, but then her eyes glowed, and the rocks instantaneously burst into purple flames.

The Scorpion of The Sahara...Trials of Fate Book 2Where stories live. Discover now