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Mac' s sledgehammer(which I didn't even know had disappeared) reappeared in his arms, and I turned to him. "How'd you do that?"

"What?" he looked at his sledgehammer," Oh, this? The same way you do it with your sword, I guess. I tried it out, and it worked. Although I have no idea where it disappeared to..."

The archers knocked their arrows, but their leader held up a hand, "They're children. You fire at my command," then he turned to a bunch of men that were holding only swords or spears," Guards. Subdue them."

They rushed at us, and we charged. Mac swung his sledgehammer so hard that it wiped a guard's sword from his arm. Before the guard could register that, Mac slammed the hammer on his stomach, smacking him several feet back.

I slashed at one of them, who parried my attack with his sword. He slashed at me, and I barely dodged. He slashed again and again, barely giving me an opening to attack him, so I darted back and fired at him. He tried to dodge, but the flames burned his arm. He dropped his sword as he yelled, and I slashed his forehead and knocked him out. 

Hannah lashed at any guard that came too close to her and Natalia, giving off several butterfly kicks and smacking them down. One guard slashed her shoulder, but she darted away and lashed his arm. As soon as her whip coiled around his arm, she pulled, jumped, and gave him a 360 degrees kick on the cheek that sent him flying.

Once in awhile, Natalia would try to shoot a guard down with a purple magic ball, but with no luck. The ball either popped like a bubble or disappeared in mid-air, and occasionally Natalia would curse or mutter about how useless she was.

At a point, all the guards rushed at us at once, and I threw my fire to the ground, sweeping my arm so that the fire that flew out of it created a line of fire on the ground to hold them back. They stopped, and Mac smirked, "What? Scared of a little fire?"

That's when about ten scorpions rushed at us from nowhere. They walked right through the fire and snapped their pincers at us, but Mac charged and swung his hammer at one so hard he smashed one of its pincers. He swung again, squashing a part of the beast's face. Its tail immediately stung at him, but I yelled," Mac! Watch out!" and rushed at it, slashing its stinger off its tail. The scorpion hissed and retreated as several others came towards us. I threw fire at a couple of them, but they seemed unaffected. 

"Why aren't they burning?!" I yelled as I tried again and again to no avail.

"Their exoskeletons," Hannah answered as she kicked a scorpion's face so badly she smashed its rock-hard shell, "Their shells are protecting them somehow, but if we can break the shells," she lashed at the beast's face before it could sting her," They'll be vulnerable to attack!"

More guards rushed at us, and I told Mac," Take care of the scorpions; I'll handle the guards!"

"No problem, amigo!" Mac said as he rushed towards the scorpions and I rushed towards the guards. Their leader stood, watching us four intently, while the rest of those without arrows sprang up to attack me. I sprayed jets of fire from my left hand, keeping a distance between myself and the guards while I fought them.

To be honest, the guards were pretty good fighters. Even with the fire, I shot out of my hands that flew fifteen feet straight, they kept coming at me and slashing at me. I burnt one of the guards hard, but another immediately slashed at me. I managed to fight back and parry his attack, but he slashed and slashed again, and I found myself on the defensive. To ensure he didn't end up slicing off my fingers, I shot fire to his face.

He screamed in pain and took off, wailing, "AIEE! AIEEE!! I AM ON FAYA-EEEE!!!"

I would've laughed if more of them hadn't lunged at me just then.

The Scorpion of The Sahara...Trials of Fate Book 2Where stories live. Discover now